Wednesday, February 18, 2015

100 Things About Me (because this is snow day #3 and I'm cold and stir crazy!)

100 Things About Me
1. What is your name? Jennifer
2. How old are you? 32
3. Are you sure? Yes, I've seen my birth certificate.
4. What is your earliest memory? A My Little Pony birthday cake
5. What is your favorite alcoholic drink? Malibu and Diet Coke
6. What is your favorite vegetable? artichoke hearts
7. Do you remember your first day at school? yes
8. What is the worst exam result you remember ever getting? probably a D or an F and I guarantee I was devastated
9. How tall are you? 5'4"
10. Can you swim? When neccessary. I prefer to float on a lounger.
11. Who is your favorite movie actress? Kathy Bates
12. Who is your favorite movie actor? I have no idea
13. Who is your favorite comedian? Vince Vaughn
14. Who is your favorite politician? Ronald Reagan
15. Who is your favorite historical figure (been dead for at least 100 years)? John Adams
16. Who is your favorite super-heroine? Wonder Woman (Hello! She fights crime with her accessories!)
17. Who is your favorite super-hero? Batman (proof that capitalism pays)
18. Can you name a female scientist other than Madame Curie? Jane Goodall
19. Who is your favorite mythological god or goddess? Athena
20. Who is your favorite woman of all time? my grandmother
21. Do you agree with "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth"? You betcha!
22. Do you agree with "Life does not forgive weakness"? No
23. Do you agree with "It is the enemy who can truly teach us to practice the virtues of compassion and tolerance"? Not completely, I mean if the enemy is ISIS it's hard to tolerate.
24. Do you agree with "The state can do what they want to do"? yes
25. Do you agree with "If I had to choose between betraying my country and betraying my friend, I hope I should have the guts to betray my country"? No
26. Do you agree with "If the path be beautiful, let us not ask where it leads"? No
27. Do you agree with "Crime is a product of social excess"? No
28. Do you agree with "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"? Yes
29. Do you agree with "And mankind is naught but a single nation"? Yes
30. Do you agree with "Bulimia is soooo '87"? huh?
31. What is the worst movie you have ever seen? Cabin Fever or The Neighbors
32. What is the worst TV show you have ever seen? The Karshashians
33. What is the worst book you have ever read? The Scarlett Letter (yeah, I know go ahead and judge me)
34. What is the worst song you have ever heard? Party in the USA
35. What is the worst sport you know of? Hockey
36. Who is the worst movie "star" ever? Tom Cruise, Barbara Stresiand, Gweneth Paltrow
37. Who is the worst comedian ever? Pretty much anyone today
38. Who is the worst author ever? The Twilight author?
39. Who is the worst musical act ever? Anyone who came out after 1999 or perhaps Miley Cyrus
40. Who is the worst sports "star" you have ever seen? OJ Simpson
41. If you could go back in time to witness an historical event in person, what event would you want to see? The Beatles coming to America (that's historical, right?)
42. If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go? Anywhere warm, it's freezing here! Perhaps Australia
43. If you could meet anyone in the world, who would you meet? Barbara Bush or Nancy Reagan
44. If you could become famous for one thing, what would that thing be? Broadway star
45. If you could buy anything regardless of cost, what would you buy? Lots of real estate
46. If you could change any one thing about your country, what would it be? The idiots running it, and the idiots who put their heads in the sand and have no clue as to what's going on unless it has to do with celebrities
47. If you could change any one thing about international politics, what would it be? Get rid of the UN
48. If you could meet any famous person who is dead, who would it be? Lucille Ball
49. If you could become dictator of the world, would you? Please, I'd be assasinated the first day.
50. If you could eat an entire cow at one sitting, would you? Sure
51. Have you ever illegally downloaded music/TV shows/movies from the net? Of course! I had Napster.
52. Have you ever used illegal narcotics (yes, even pot counts if it was illegal at the time)?Nope
53. Have you ever gotten any points on your driving license? Lots of times
54. Have you ever stolen anything from a shop? Yup, when I was about 4
55. Have you ever bought alcohol or cigarettes while underage? Alcohol, probably. Cigarette, gross. 56. Have you ever bought alcohol or cigarettes for another person who was underage? Probably
57. Have you ever tried to cheat the taxman/social security/other government agency? Nope, I'd get caught I'm sure.
58. Have you ever ridden on a train or bus without paying? No
59. Have you ever been arrested? No
60. Have you ever been charged with a crime ... ? No
61. What's the furthest you've ever been from home? Europe
62. Where have you visited that you would like to go back to? Italy
63. Where would you like to visit that you haven't yet? Australia
64. Where is your favorite place in the world? Walt Disney World
65. Where have you visited that you hope never to go to again? Nowhere, yet
66. Where would you definitely never go to? Syria
67. Where is your least favorite place in the world? No idea
68. What is your favorite way to travel ? Flight
69. What is your least favorite way to travel? Boat
70. What is the capital of Assyria? أno idea
71. What was the last movie you saw? American Sniper (Go see it!)
72. Was it any good? AWESOME!!!!
73. What was the last book you read? Shopaholic to the Stars
74. Was it any good? Good, but not the best one in the series
75. What was the last song you listened to? Something by Mandisa
76. Was it any good? Of course!
77. What was the last computer game you played? I'm sorry, is it 1998?
78. Did you do well?
79. What was the last meal you ate? Eggos
80. Was it any good? SO good!
81. Do you believe in God/Goddess/Gods/Goddesses? God - yes, the others - no
82. Do you agree with the war in Iraq? Yes, let's destroy evil.
83. Do you believe in aliens? I believe in things we can't explain.
84. Do you agree with the theory of evolution? No
85. Do you believe in reincarnation? No, because I would probably come back as something really bad.
86. Do you agree with the idea of the UN? United Nations (UN)? NO  
87. Do you believe in karma? I believe in what goes around, comes around
88. Do you agree with the theories of man-induced global warming? No, I pretty much don't believe in anything Al Gore says.
89. Do you believe in democracy above all other systems of government? I believe in a Republic
90. Do you agree with Freddie Mercury when he sings "Fat-bottomed girls you make the rockin' world go round"? YES!
91. What is your favorite movie? Gone with the Wind, Back to the Future
92. What is your favorite book? Shopaholic Series, The Help
93. What is your favorite song? FREE BIRD!
94. What is your favorite city? LA
95. What is your favorite sport? College football
96. What is your favorite place in the world? Walt Disney World
97. Are you glad these questions are almost over? Eh
98. What are you going to do next? wash a pot in the sink
99. Do you anticipate this activity being fun? no
100. Give us a quote to end on... "Yesterday I cared what your said, today I ignored what you said, tomorrow I'll tell you to shove it." - Yours Truly (in her senior high school yearbook)