Monday, March 23, 2009

The Happiest Place on Earth!

What a week! We just got back from Disney World on Saturday night. It was a fantastic vacation! Saturday night we went to the Elton John/Billy Joel concert in Atlanta, which was amazing. We stayed at the Georgian Terrace which hosted the premiere reception of Gone With the Wind. Of course, I was on cloud 9. We also went to the Margaret Mitchell house and the GWTW museum. Sunday we headed to Ormond Beach and while we were eating dinner we got to see the space shuttle launch. It was really neat. Monday we headed to Disney World and stayed in Magic Kingdom all day. We closed the park down. Tuesday we went to St. Augustine and what I thought would happen, did. We ended up wanting to spend the whole time in Disney! So, we booked a hotel that was 10 minutes from Disney (our beach hotel was an hour away) and spent every day in Disney. It was a blast!
Space Shuttle launch Lunch at the Prime Time Cafe (it's like eating in
a 1950's kitchen. The waiters tell you not to put
your elbows on the table, and stuff)

Wednesday was Bryan's birthday. We tried to have a beer in every country in Epcot. After the first one, we realized that would get very expensive and probably not wise becuase we're both such light weights. We ended up having a drink or food in every country instead. The only countries we didn't were Japan, China, America and Canada. That was only due to the fact we ran out of time and room in our stomachs. That night we had dinner at the Brown Derby in Hollywood Studios (nee MGM). I surprised Bryan with a birthday cake from the Disney bakery. It was the best cake I've ever eaten (as was my dinner).
Bryan and his cake
Then the scary part came. Bryan got me to go on the Rockin' Roller Coaster. For those of you who don't know, I'm not a thrill seeker and getting me on a roller coaster is a real feat. We lucked out. The line was over 100 minutes long and they'd run out of fast passes (these by the way are the best invention ever, it gives you a time to come back so you can skip the line). This couple came up to us and said a family had given them theirs and they only needed 2 so they gave us the other 2. Well, I was terrified. I'd braved Space Mountain (DW's is scarier than DL) and Splash Mountain (which I ended up loving and rode twice). But this one goes upside down! Ok, so the premise of the ride is that Aerosmith is late to a concert and have invited you to go along. So you get in a hot pink "limo" and take off. Take off we did. This ride doesn't start out slow, no you go from 0 to 70 in about 2 seconds. It was awesome! The whole time you pass signs like you're on the interstate and they play Aerosmith songs. I loved it! After that, I wasn't scared of anything. We rode the Tower of Terror twice. This was my all time favorite. Not just the ride but the detail that goes into all of it. Stuff to watch while you wait, what goes on before you drop, it's so detail-oriented.
Anyway, the rest of the trip was great. We did EVERYTHING! It definitely wasn't one of those vacations where you lay in a hammock and read. But I liked being on the go, I always do. We're already planning our next trip there.
Today I am thankful for opportunities to travel, hand sanitizer (gas station bathrooms on road trips are DISGUSTING!), my own bed and my own toilet.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thank you for not smoking (and not spitting)

A few weeks ago Bryan and I were out to dinner with some friends and friends of friends. We went to Blue Fin which is a (semi) posh sushi restaurant in downtown Memphis. I honestly think it's over priced and I've never had good service there, but I didn't get to pick. After dinner, Bryan asked me if I'd noticed someone's table behavior. I didn't know what he was talking about. Apparently, one of the guys (a friend of a friend) was chewing tobacco and spitting it in his beer bottle!!! I was appalled! WHAT?! Who does that? We were at a semi-nice place. But that shouldn't matter, I don't want to see that while I'm eating at Krystals. I thought maybe this was a one time case. You know, bless his heart his mama didn't teach him any manners. Not that that's an excuse because there is NO excuse for bad table manners. Anyway, I put the thought out of my mind. Again, I figured it was a one time, good story to tell my mom, kind of things. So, last weekend Bryan and I were out at Buffalo Wild Wings with some friends for trivia night. (For those of you don't know, trivia night is where this guy comes in asks different trivia questions from various categories and you can win gift cards.) I look at the table behind us and these three high school kids are passing back and forth a Pepsi bottle, using it as a spittoon. EEEWWW!!!! Yes, it Buffalo Wild Wings not Blue Fin. But still, I don't want to see that. What is wrong with people?
I have decided I am going to have to accept the fact that sweatsuits are the standard attire for a flight. I have learned to accept that if I wear gloves and/or a hat I will be in the minority. I am starting to accept that people are going to say invite instead of invitation (although I NEVER will!) But, I will not, under no circumstances, even if there is a gun pointed to my head NEVER accept the chewing and/or spitting of tobacco in a restaurant. C'mon people have some common decency. Since the no smoking ban seemed to do so well, I'm ready to take on Washington to pass an act for no spitting. Who's with me?

Apparently, I'm not the only one who's blogged on this:

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


So, I go back and forth on whether I should blog about the random thoughts and insights I have or if I should use it to keep family and friends updated on my life in The Volunteer State (which is what I intended this to be because not everyone has Facebook). So, I've decided it to be both. When I look over previous posts, that's what it's been all along. Anyway, moving on...

2009 is going by fast! I cannot believe it is already March. Of course you all have heard about my awesome January, and if you didn't you must be in space because I have told everyone I've met! February was a good month. Bryan and I got a pizza and watched Ghost (he'd never seen it! I told him he'd like it because it was about avenging one's death, and of course he did) for Valentine's Day. It was a perfect night. Also in January, I've been trying to get into a regular work out routine. I will be the first to admit, I'm so bad about this! Once I get into the groove I love it, it's just a matter of getting there. I go through this every spring. Then summer hits and I get busy and don't do it, winter hits and it's cold and I'm not motivated and then before I know it's spring and I'm thinking about swimsuit season again. So, I've decided to make it a regular part of my life, not just because I'm going to Florida in 10 days (YEA!) but because I want to be healthy. I have heart disease on both sides of my family, cancer and diabetes and so on. I figure this may help me fight the inevitable genes against me. Also, I have a dear friend who was diagnosed with breast cancer last year. She has fought it and is cancer free now. She is 52 and doesn't look it. She has always told me it's because she takes care of herself. That alone is such an inspiration. So, I guess you could say that is my life resolution since I want to keep it longer than through the new year.
Can you BELIEVE she is 50?!?!?!

Last weekend, I went to MS because a friend of Bryan's threw him and another friend a joint birthday party. (Bryan's birthday isn't til 3/18 but they celebrated early since we'll be in Florida). I tested out my genes to see if I inherited the birthday cake making one from my mother. (In case you don't know, my mom always made us elaborate birthday cakes growing up with theme parties. One year she made a watermelon that was red velvet cake, AWESOME!)Indeed, I have. I made Bryan an Indiana Jones cake, and not to toot my own horn but toot! toot! I'm pretty darn proud of myself.
Yes, I am my mother's child!

I'm continuing to listen to audiobooks thanks to Cracker Barrel and am in the middle of an amazing book, "7 Rules to Live By," by Robin Roberts form Good Morning America. As an aspiring journalist I am unbelievably inspired by this woman. I recommend it to anyone with a dream. Apparently there's a new version out with an eighth rule that deals with her experience with breast cancer.

And that brings me to my biggest update:
I realized after talking with my friend Beth the other day that not everyone knows I'm not pursuing teaching anymore. I have decided that I'm going to continue to pursue journalism (which is what my BA is in). I am still at UT right now getting a second BA in history. After taking a more in-depth look at journalism and speaking to a few people in the industry, a master's isn't necessary for a successful career. I've felt like I've wasted some time and I'm ready to move on with my life. I'm currently waiting to hear back from UT to see how many holes I have from UNC to fullfill at UT for a second bachelors. If there aren't too many, I'm going to finish. A second BA won't hurt by any means and I think understanding American history helps one to better understand current events. Also, anyone who knows me, knows I always wanted to go to UT. This is how I can have my (cup) cake and eat it, too.

If, there are a lot of holes (i.e. I need another math, science, foreign language, etc) it will be decision time. Finish or look for a job? I've already started sending out resumes. I've made a list in my favorites folder entitled "jobs." Under that folder I've created a folder for every state in the nation and under that I have the websites for every news station in that state. I found a great website that lists the news stations for every state. I realize this is very OCD of me to do, but that's me! I figure by sending out that many resumes, I'm sure to get at least a few interviews. Oh and the plus side of the history degree? If I do decide to teach (maybe later in life when I have kids and want a better schedule) it'll be a lot easier to get the license. Again, having my (cup) cake and eating it, too.

Ok, I have rambled on enough. I hope everyone is now caught up to speed on my life. We're going to Disney/Ormond Beach in less than two weeks and St. Patrick's Day and Bryan's birthday fall during that week. So, I'm sure I'll have plenty more to write (type?) about.

Oh yeah, I hope she doesn't mind but my friend Becky does this thing where at the end of every entry she says the things she's grateful for that day. I've decided to take a cue from her. As Charles Caleb Cotton once said "Imitation is the sincerest of flattery."

Today I'm thankful for the opportunity I got to move here, my dog Libby and God's eternal grace.