Monday, September 30, 2013


Our pantry was a disaster. Okay, that's an exaggeration. However for this OCD girl, I like everything in it's place and I knew I could do better. So, Sunday my super sweet hubby and I headed to the Dollar Store and Home Depot to seek aid in our pantry organization. Did I mention he gave up watching part of the Broncos game for this? Super sweet!

Before (aka disaster):
Not exactly like the beautiful pantries you see on Pinterest, but not too shabby. The rack on the door makes all the difference! Maybe someday I'll have the time to make the cute chalkboard labels for the baskets.

Friday, September 6, 2013

It's the (second) Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

As I posted about college football the other day, I got excited. For me, college football means fall. I love Christmas, but fall is the next best thing. Crunchy leaves, soup cooked in the crockpot, hooded sweatshirts, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and of course pumpkins. I started dating my hubby in the fall and I got engaged to him in the fall. Fall is good to me. I also LOVE fall fashion. I would like to be in any of the following outfits:
And I'd like to wear said outfits here:

What are your favorite things about fall?

Sunday, September 1, 2013

The End of an Era

Thursday I said goodbye to my little Escape. I had that car for 8 years. It was good to me for 187,019 miles. Last Sunday on our way home from St. Louis, the AC quit on us. 5 hours in 90 degree heat with no AC is pretty miserable. We had been looking at getting me a new car for awhile now, but this was definitely going to speed up the process. My sweet hubby voluntarily took my car to work all week since I am in my car all day for work and he's not. Wednesday, he got in it to leave and smoke started coming out the vents and then the power steering quit and a horrible noise came on. All at. the. same. time. So, Thursday we sold it. I took Christopher to work and cleaned it out. It was bittersweet. I've seen many major events of my life while driving this car: a cross country move, 2 dogs, numerous road trips, first job out of college, move to Knoxville, move back from Knoxville. As I took off my fake front "BORN2RUN" Jersey license plate (Springsteen reference, I don't run) it felt like the end of an era. I'm glad I wasn't there when it was towed away. I would've cried.

Final goodbye.
We went a long way together.
She gone.
Oh, but you know with every end comes a beginning.
Hand me those keys!
First major purchase as a married couple!

Meet "Dora." (yes, I know. Original.)
So exciting!! Although the buying process is exhausting, it was  fun. Did mention this is my 4th Ford? We have a thing for Fords in the Heckman family. My dad and brother have F-150s, my mom is on her 3rd Escape and she has a Mustang. They've been good to us, stick with what you know. Can't wait to go exploring! (Again, I know. Original.)