Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tamera Alexander

Last week, my mom was in town. She spent a week here helping me with my patio at my town home (more on that in a later post). Wednesday night we saw Bon Jovi in Nashville and stayed at my good friend Rachel's house. Thursday, we had lunch at Puckett's on the Franklin square with our friend Tamera Alexander. She is an amazing author who writes Christian-based historical fiction. Her book "Inheritance," is my favorite and Miss Tammy was sweet enough to sign it for me. Check out her blog, "Writing Perspectives," it's great! Where the books she's written so far are set in Colorado (hence how we know her, my mom was her kids' teacher), the next series are going to be based around old homes in the Nashville area. These include Belle Meade Plantation and The Hermitage! I cannot wait to read them! Pics below of our day with Miss Tammy. By the way, can you tell I'm really into hyperlinking today?
This is mom and I with the sugar chest she bought the day before. Yes, she's putting a sugar packet into it. Sugar chests were where people in antebellum days (and earlier) stored their sugar (duh). They locked it up because sugar was so expensive back then. Anyway, I've heard mom go on and on about this for years how she's always wanted one. She hit the jackpot in Jackson, and hauled it back with her to CO. I tried to convince her it would be better off in my townhome, but no dice. Okay, I'm done with the gambling references.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Back to ol' reliable

After trying to do the 4 Day Diet, and the I'll just-try-to-eat-healthier-I'm-not-really-on-a-diet, diet I've decided to go back to what works....

I have done it several times, and I always go back to it. I like counting the points and writing everything down. Also, knowing that I have to go weigh in every week holds me accountable (not to mention the $12 each week). So, I'm on day 3 and so far so good. If I keep it up, I should reach my goal weight by the time we go to Spring River.
Here's a picture of us the first time we went in '08. (Sorry it's blurry, condensation had gotten on my camera)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Sunday Night Tradition

The Pacific is a new series that comes on HBO every Sunday night. It's amazing. It's like Band of Brothers, except it's about the pacific theatre during WWII (hence the name, The Pacific.) Bryan and I have made it a tradition of having frozen pizza for dinner on Sunday nights while we watch it. The first 2 weeks were at his house, this last week was at mine. On a side note, I caught a stomach bug last night (Friday), so I might have to forego the pizza tomorrow night. Boo. Who wants to be sick on Easter?
Archer Farms frozen pizza from Target. The absolute BEST!
Pizza stone cooks it to perfection (sorry for the fuzzy pic)