Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Use your head for something besides a hat rack!

That's what my mom used to tell me and Kyle when we'd do something dumb. Well, even at 25 I have these moments. Around Kansas City, my mom asked me if I grabbed my passport. My face must have turned white as a sheet. Yeah, I left it in Memphis. Fortunately, I have wonderful landlords (and friends), Chris and Anna, who went to the house and got it for me. Anna overnighted it to me, and now I am sitting here watching Sweeney Todd waiting for it to arrive. WHEW! I'm glad we realized it early on! I didn't, however, forget the tickets to the Journey concert I'm attending next month in Denver. I guess it's obvious where my priorities are, huh?

I'm so fortunate to have friends like Anna and Chris. Anna was my kindergarten and third grade teacher. Even with the move to Colorado, we always stayed in touch. Anna and Chris both are so good to me. I've been quite spoiled, as they take such good care of me. Most people would have found it so scary to move across the country by themselves, but I have been so blessed with friends who treat me like I'm part of the family. The Candys are wonderful friends as well. I lived with them when I first moved back to Memphis. They always treat me like I'm just another daughter. Even now, living in my own house, I still go over there and I feel like I'm visiting my own parents. It's so nice to feel so loved. Anyway, I'm not sure why I went down that rabbit trail. Good grief, I really am my mother. :)

So, my mom arrived in Memphis Thursday afternoon. She immediately had to come with me to my hair appointment. Yes! I have short hair again! (I'll post a pic at some point) Anyway we spent the next two days getting stuff ready for the trip and packing. I decided to take a few things to CO to store in my parents' barn that I don't want to take to Knoxville. AKA,my china. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my china (it's Autumn by Lenox, so pretty!) but I don't see me and Kyle eating off of it. Anyway, we left Sunday morning at 8. We rolled in to Windsor at 2:30 Monday morning. We drove straight through, I don't recommend this and will never do it again.

It is nice being back in Colorado, visiting friends and spending time with my parents. But I gotta tell ya, there is no place like the South. That, to me, will always be home. The view of the mountains is spectacular, but it's so dry and brown here. There's nothing like driving down Belvedere (a street in my neighborhood) and seeing all the crepe myrtles blooming and the trees arching over the street. That's more my scene. Libby, on the other hand, loves being here. She runs all day long in the backyard with my parents' dogs. By bedtime, she's worn out. It's quite entertaining.

Well, that's all for now. I've gotta go down some medicine. I think I'm getting sick (sore throat, drainage, all the fun stuff!) and I refuse getting sick before my grand tour of Europe.

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