Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Progress on New Year's Goals Thus Far

As I mentioned in a prior post, I have decided to read all the unread books I own before acquiring any new ones. This means no random books tossed in the cart while perusing Target, no trips to the library, no borrowed books on friends' recommendations. This hasn't been too hard, yet. I decided to start out easy. I have had the Anne of Green Gables series since I was a child and I've never read it. I realize this is insane because I think most little girls have read these by the time they're 11. I never got around to it. So, I have just completed the third book (Anne of the Island) in the series and they are delightful!

I did have a dilemma last month, however. I was taking a road trip to New Orleans (horrible place, I don't recommend it but I digress) and I love to have an audio book when I travel. But, I was determined to stay true to my goal. So, I got the first two books in the Anne series (Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Avonlea) on audio from the library. I continued to ponder if I was really reading the book if I listened to it instead. But, as my cousin Gary said, "When you read a book you acquire the information between the 2 covers and listening to a book affords you the same goal." My cousin Pam reiterated this, and she is the Library Director at Crichton College, so I consider her an expert.

So, now as the rest of the Anne series isn't on audio book I am reading the rest of the "real" books at home. I enjoy having an audio book while I drive from appointment to appointment (in sales, you spend a lot of time on the car) so I got The Secret Garden on audio for during the work day. Yes, I know it's a travesty I've never read it either. Don't worry, my childhood wasn't completely void of children's classics. I read and re-read the Little House series, all the Roald Dahl books and others.

After I finish Anne and The Secret Garden, I am going to start Sherlock Holmes.

1 comment:

Pam Walker said...

If you have access to a VCR, I highly recommend you watch some of the Jeremy Brett Sherlock Holmes series. To me, he nailed the character. BTW, I have the set if you would like to borrow some, but only in video (They are on DVD, too, if you can borrow them)