Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Back to ol' reliable

After trying to do the 4 Day Diet, and the I'll just-try-to-eat-healthier-I'm-not-really-on-a-diet, diet I've decided to go back to what works....

I have done it several times, and I always go back to it. I like counting the points and writing everything down. Also, knowing that I have to go weigh in every week holds me accountable (not to mention the $12 each week). So, I'm on day 3 and so far so good. If I keep it up, I should reach my goal weight by the time we go to Spring River.
Here's a picture of us the first time we went in '08. (Sorry it's blurry, condensation had gotten on my camera)

1 comment:

Pam Walker said...

WHY do you need to lose weight????You always look amazing!