Sunday, September 1, 2013

The End of an Era

Thursday I said goodbye to my little Escape. I had that car for 8 years. It was good to me for 187,019 miles. Last Sunday on our way home from St. Louis, the AC quit on us. 5 hours in 90 degree heat with no AC is pretty miserable. We had been looking at getting me a new car for awhile now, but this was definitely going to speed up the process. My sweet hubby voluntarily took my car to work all week since I am in my car all day for work and he's not. Wednesday, he got in it to leave and smoke started coming out the vents and then the power steering quit and a horrible noise came on. All at. the. same. time. So, Thursday we sold it. I took Christopher to work and cleaned it out. It was bittersweet. I've seen many major events of my life while driving this car: a cross country move, 2 dogs, numerous road trips, first job out of college, move to Knoxville, move back from Knoxville. As I took off my fake front "BORN2RUN" Jersey license plate (Springsteen reference, I don't run) it felt like the end of an era. I'm glad I wasn't there when it was towed away. I would've cried.

Final goodbye.
We went a long way together.
She gone.
Oh, but you know with every end comes a beginning.
Hand me those keys!
First major purchase as a married couple!

Meet "Dora." (yes, I know. Original.)
So exciting!! Although the buying process is exhausting, it was  fun. Did mention this is my 4th Ford? We have a thing for Fords in the Heckman family. My dad and brother have F-150s, my mom is on her 3rd Escape and she has a Mustang. They've been good to us, stick with what you know. Can't wait to go exploring! (Again, I know. Original.)


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