Monday, April 28, 2014

Happenings as of Late


Life has been busy, busy lately. Since we got back from Walt Disney World, it's been lots of catching up on work, laundry, errands, etc, etc. You know, back to reality oops there goes gravity. Oh wait, now I'm rapping Eminem. Anyway, here is what we've been up to since we got back. (I promise I will post on our trip later.) The week we got back, we went over to Christopher's Grandmother's house and made oyster stew for dinner. You're only supposed to eat oysters with months that have R's in them so this was our last month to do it until fall. I think she liked the souvinir we brought her back.

The following weekend, my friend Elizabeth got married. I was honored to serve as her wedding coordinator. I will post later about her special day. It was absolutely beautiful.
That also happened to be Easter weekend. Everyone had all these sweet pictures of them at church in their Easter clothes. We took this on the way home from church.
This past Thursday was game 3 of the NBA playoffs for the Grizzlies vs. the Thunder. We had a blast, as the Grizz won in overtime. The highlight might have been seeing Tag Team perform "Whoomp There it Is" live. I was reliving my childhood and still knew every single word. Other highlights were getting to eat Rendezvous' BBQ nachos (one of my favorite things about Grizzlies games).
Seeing two of my sweet friends, Leigha and Ashley, who were also at the game.
Trying to find Waldo. Do you see him?
The Grizz have gone to the playoffs every year we've been together, so you're welcome!
Friday night was spent in Southaven, MS at Southaven Springfest which is a carnival, concert and BBQ contest. We have friends with a tent, so we got to pig out on yummy BBQ. (2nd night in a row for me!)

Saturday was spent doing yard work. I LOVE planting my spring flowers. Nothing beats getting the patio ready for summer. We so enjoy sitting on the patio after work having drinks.

The hubby had fun playing lumberjack.
Saturday night, we went back to Mississippi for our sweet friends the Rivas baby shower. They are due in June and had a fun sports-themed couples' shower.
Me and our dear friend, Samantha (who's due in October so exciting!)

C did an "Ellen selfie"

Cute cake the mother-to-be's mother made.

Kayce and Matt, the parents-to-be
(Sorry for the sideways pic, Blogger would not let me upload it the correct way)

Sunday, I headed back to Mississippi to Hernando this time to hang out with my sweet friend, Kate. We'd talked about movies we liked and decided we needed a movie day. So, Sunday it finally happened. We watched "Sarah's Key," which is a great movie about the Haloucaust. Then to lighten it up we watched some Designing Women episodes (my pick, of course). Kate is such a dear friend and I really do cherish the time we spend together.

C and I finished up the weekend bowling and having dinner with our small group from church. It was a uber busy weekend, and a crazy past few weeks but it's always fun!

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