Thursday, July 24, 2014


Okay, really this is a "catch-up" but ketchup is so darn good I decided to title my post in it's honor. Yes, as the picture indicates I prefer Hunt's over Heinz.

Lots has been going on in the world of Wilson over the past several months. Since we got back from Disney World, we have been super busy. After we got back, my friend Elizabeth got married. I had the honor of serving as her wedding coordinator.

I will post more on that later. It was a beautiful wedding.
The biggest thing that has happened is that C and I have both gotten new jobs! I know that internet etiquitte indicates you don't speak about your job, so I won't go into specifics. C is now at a different bank on the business banking side. He was previously on the retail side. 3 weeks after he started his job, I was offered a job in medical device sales. Both of us are beyond thrilled with our new positions. C now works downtown and is loving all the fun lunch spots he gets to patron.

I met him for lunch one day and we went to Flying Fish Cafe.
C got catfish and I had fried oysters and a crawfish chowder.
My man hard at work. I had to sneak a pic.

My new job is a work-from-home position. So my father-in-law is
graciously letting me use an extra office in his building. I focus better that way.

I was able to have over 2 weeks off before starting my new position. I spent the first week playing housewife (did some sewing, more about that later) and the second I spent in Colorado visiting my parents, little brother (who was also in town) and my BFF who had just had a baby. I will post on that later as well.
Here's a sneak peek:
View at over 2 miles above sea level.
When I got back, we had another wedding to attend. My friend, and former co-worker Sara Lynne got married. Her wedding was beautiful as well. Funny both of these girls (Elizabeth and Sara Lynne I met thru my last job and they both went to MSU and both just got married. Hmm.)
Me and my handsome date

The beautiful bride and my friend (and also a former co-worker) Catherine
Like I said, lots going on. Blogspot and my laptop do not seem to get along. Now that I have a new computer it seems to be doing better. So, hopefully posts will be more regular now. But, we know I have said that before.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congrats on the new job! Wish you the best !