Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thank you for not smoking (and not spitting)

A few weeks ago Bryan and I were out to dinner with some friends and friends of friends. We went to Blue Fin which is a (semi) posh sushi restaurant in downtown Memphis. I honestly think it's over priced and I've never had good service there, but I didn't get to pick. After dinner, Bryan asked me if I'd noticed someone's table behavior. I didn't know what he was talking about. Apparently, one of the guys (a friend of a friend) was chewing tobacco and spitting it in his beer bottle!!! I was appalled! WHAT?! Who does that? We were at a semi-nice place. But that shouldn't matter, I don't want to see that while I'm eating at Krystals. I thought maybe this was a one time case. You know, bless his heart his mama didn't teach him any manners. Not that that's an excuse because there is NO excuse for bad table manners. Anyway, I put the thought out of my mind. Again, I figured it was a one time, good story to tell my mom, kind of things. So, last weekend Bryan and I were out at Buffalo Wild Wings with some friends for trivia night. (For those of you don't know, trivia night is where this guy comes in asks different trivia questions from various categories and you can win gift cards.) I look at the table behind us and these three high school kids are passing back and forth a Pepsi bottle, using it as a spittoon. EEEWWW!!!! Yes, it Buffalo Wild Wings not Blue Fin. But still, I don't want to see that. What is wrong with people?
I have decided I am going to have to accept the fact that sweatsuits are the standard attire for a flight. I have learned to accept that if I wear gloves and/or a hat I will be in the minority. I am starting to accept that people are going to say invite instead of invitation (although I NEVER will!) But, I will not, under no circumstances, even if there is a gun pointed to my head NEVER accept the chewing and/or spitting of tobacco in a restaurant. C'mon people have some common decency. Since the no smoking ban seemed to do so well, I'm ready to take on Washington to pass an act for no spitting. Who's with me?

Apparently, I'm not the only one who's blogged on this:

1 comment:

Pam Walker said...

I SO agree with you...EEEWWW.