Thursday, April 23, 2009

She had style, she had flair, she was there!

That's how she became The Nanny! I'm just going to continue on my theme of TV shows featuring single, over 30, independent women. I love The Nanny. I got the third season in my Easter basket and have been watching it the past week and it makes me laugh out loud. Just so you know, I don't just sit at home and watch TV. I am super busy all the time lately (which is why my blog doesn't get updated like it should, although I'm not as bad as Beth :) Anyway, I know The Nanny isn't a show that gets a lot of credit, but it should. I literally laugh out loud all by myself when I watch it. As a HUGE I Love Lucy fan, I really appreciate the nod The Nanny gives Lucy. The facial expressions, the scenarios, they are all just great classic comedy. I highly recommend everyone watch this (although I understand some people can't get past Fran Drescher's voice), it's the best way to laugh at the end of a long day.

I think I watch reruns of sitcoms so much because there aren't any good ones on TV today. I cannot get into reality TV. 1) It's not reality. 2) If it is reality, I watch TV to get AWAY from reality, so what's the point? This really got me thinking: are there any sitcoms on TV anymore? We don't have TGIF on ABC anymore, and I can't tell you what's on the Thursday night lineup. If anyone knows of a new sitcom on TV that I might like, I welcome all recommendations. Maybe it'll restore my faith in TV land. Again, I promise I don't just sit around all day and watch TV, but it is my favorite way to unwind and forget about the world for a 1/2 hour before bed.
These are my classic (and some not so classic, yet) sitcoms of preference:
I Love Lucy
Mary Tyler Moore
The Nanny
Designing Women (ok, this show is HILARIOUS and a trailblazer for shows like Sex and the City) I'm sure I'll blog about this later on.
The Golden Girls (seriously, how can you not like this show?)
Frasier (I like it because you have to be somewhat intelligent to get the jokes)
Gilmore Girls (for the same reasons as Frasier)

*** ALERT!!! As I'm typing this, a commercial for Nick at Nite just came on saying that they will start running The Nanny on May 10th. Coincidence? I think not.

Today I am thankful for the TV on DVD section at Target, Libby (such a warm welcome when I got home after a trying day), my friend Brett who let's me vent to him about stupid stuff, and the 80 degree weather that's supposed to stick around all weekend.

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