Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thanks: Day 11

Yes, I admit I have been terrible at keeping up with this. Blogger has been acting weird lately and wouldn't let me add pictures, my mom was in town last weekend and work is crazy busy. I know, excuses, excuses. I will post later of all the things I'm thankful for from the past few days but today I want to focus on something I am extremely thankful for every day, but especially today I am thankful for our veterans.

I am so thankful that I live in this wonderful country, which is only wonderful because of the men and women who have been willing to fight for our freedoms in the past, currently and in the future. I've had so many in my life. My grandfather fought in the Battle of the Bulge in WWII, I've had many friends from high school who have served (including my friend, Eric who took me to the Miltary Inaugural Ball. Remember this?) I am most thankful for my younger brother, Kyle, who is serving in the Marines as we speak. While he is still in training at this point, his efforts are great and I know he will serve proudly no matter where he is stationed. Here is the post from his graduation from bootcamp.

Just remember: While you're enjoying the day off because of this holiday, or complaining that you don't get it off (as I was), these men and women don't get a day off.

God bless America!

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