Saturday, February 6, 2016

New Year New Blog

Happy 2016!
I have made a list of New Year's resolutions just like I'm sure many of you have. My goal is to really try and keep them. As my dad has always told me, plan your work and then work your plan. So not only did I make a list of resolutions I came up with ways I was going to keep them.

1: Read the entire Bible. 
That's always on my list and every year I fail. So this year, I'm taking a new approach. In the past, I would try and read it out of a Bible I have that's marked by the date on what you're supposed to read. However, if I got behind it would bother me that it would be say,  January 29, and I was reading January 14. For Christmas, my parents got me and Christopher these journals through the Ezra project that help you read the entire Bible through the year without dates. So right now, I know I'm behind but I don't feel the pressure. It's cool because you read a few chapters from the Old Testament and the New in the same day. I love this because let's face it, reading the entire Old Testament straight throughout could be extremely daunting!

2: Blog consistently. 
Yes, this has been on my list for several years running with pretty poor results the last few years. I've decided I need to do it differently. Have specific things I always blog about instead of a mishmash of different things. I have decided to keep it to some fashion/beauty, domesticity (recipes, decorating, etc) and then just the things I have opinions on. (Oh, boy! You know I have lots of those!) I say that because I love fashion, makeup, cooking, etc but my passion is really current affairs and politics. Don't get me wrong, this will not be a political blog. I want to keep things light. But I will share my opinion more and be blunt. That's who I am. I want people to read it and think of it more as funny rather than mean. I mean seriously, people get WAY too offended these days. If you're one of those people, you won't like this blog. I want to make my blog stand apart, as fashion/beauty blogs are in abundance out there. My plan for this is to sit down every Sunday night and plan my blogs for the week. You wouldn't believe the post ideas that come to me in the shower. Be on the look out for a new blog name!

3: Be more politically active.  
As I said above, I am passionate about politics and current affairs. My degree is in broadcast journalism and I always thought I would be like Bill O'Reilly or Glenn Beck and get paid to tell people my opinion. I guess for now I'm just a volunteer. This upcoming election is so important, I want to know I've done my part to try to change this country for the better. I will volunteer locally for the primary and the presidential election as well as becoming more active in the local chapter of my political party. (I'm sure you can make a guess as to which one it is, although I'm not a die-hard one. I'm pretty anti-establishment, but I will post more on that later.)

This is C and I in 2012. I will admit I wasn't voting FOR Romney as much as I was voting AGAINST Obama. If this offends you, get over it or don't read my blog. Like I said in resolution #2 I'm going to be sharing my opinions more. (Side note: the jeans I'm wearing in this pic I can now fit into again. Woo hoo!)

4: Lose the rest of the weight I need to lose and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Since having our sweet boy, I have lost all the weight I gained during pregnancy (yea!). BUT, I still had about 20 pounds to lose before I got pregnant. I've lost part of it but have around 14 pounds to go. In the past, I've tried every weight loss plan and diet known to man. This time I've made a lifestyle change and this time it's really sunk in and stuck with me on how to think about food. I owe it all to Julie Gordon and her book, "Skinny School." Don't let the name deter you. It's not about being skinny, it's about being healthy and thinking differently about food. To meet this resolution I'm going to continue to follow the principles I learned in the book and continue to work out.

5: Read all the books I own that I haven't read yet before buying any new books.
This is going to be HARD. I love a new book! Look at all the books on our bookshelves. I've only read maybe a third of these. This doesn't include books I have downloaded on my Kindle either. I might not accomplish it before 2017 hits but I'm sure going to try!

What are your resolutions? Or have you already made and broken them since I'm posting this in February?