Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Valentine's Day

We don't make a big deal about Valentine's Day. A card, small gift (less than $20) and preferably homemade.
This is what I got this year from C. The note is in a bag on Starbursts that says "I'm just bursting with joy that you are my Valentine." Apparently, we both got our ideas from Pinterest this year.

I made this for C. It's all the places we've ever been together.
Meet Jackson Clyde Williams. He was born the day before to our sweet friends Neil and Samantha. We went to Florida with them Labor Day weekend. Dress from here. I had to wear hearts on V Day! In fact, considering how much I love to dress for a holiday theme, it's a wonder I'm not an elementary school teacher.
Our church did something awesome. They came up with a date night for all the married couples. The premise was to take this card with you to wherever you were having your V Day dinner between Feb 10- 17 and do different things on the way and during dinner and dessert. We always eat dinner at home on this holiday and then of course we went to the hospital so we did it Sunday night over Mexican food. It was so much fun! It involved madlibs, would you rather and Cranium. The Cranium part was hilarious, We had to sculpt things out of foil. I'm sure our server thought we were crazy.

Christopher working hard on drawing a picture with his left  hand.

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