Saturday, October 13, 2012

6 months in...

Back in March, I posted about all the things I was looking forward/anxious about as I became a wife. Well, now that we are 6 months in ( as of today), I thought this would be a perfect time to give an update on how these things have turned out:

1) I no longer (well I can but it would be inconsiderate) get up, turn on all the lights and then blast the stereo or TV so I can hear it while I'm getting ready in the morning. C gets up later than I have to for work. I don't think he'll appreciate this.
I have gotten used to getting ready in a quiet house. I normally let the dogs out, tip toe around and then use the light coming in from the bathroom to see enough where I know what clothes I'm putting on. I know Christopher still wakes up, but at least I don't turn the TV on or all the lights. We have come up with a pretty good arrangement: I take care of the dogs in the am, since C is not a morning person (and by not a morning person, I mean C in the am and C normally is like Dr. Jekyll Mr. Hyde). He, in return takes care of them at night. As y'all know I am not a late night person. I normally take a 2 hour nap between 8 and 10 pm. I try to stay up with him, it's just hard!

2) I am used to living alone, so I never close the bathroom door. This isn't something I have to really worry about because I always close it when people are here. Just something I thought of. Oh, and I will never be that person who feels comfortable leaving it open. Gross. Some things should always (and will) remain a mystery.
No problems with this in either part. Thank goodness!

3) I have to live with a boy!!! Ew! Just kidding, I cannot wait to live with him. He's not gross at all, he is very neat and doesn't do gross boy stuff. Unless, he gets comfortable when we get married. Ha.
No surprises, he's still very clean. He doesn't even leave the seat up!

4) Speaking of that, C and I are both very meticulous. This will be interesting, as we both like doing certain things certain ways. For example, I know he likes his tee-shirts folded in a specific way and it is different than how I do it. Like I said, these things will be interesting as we go along.
This has been interesting. I think we've both been good about compromising. He always offers to help me clean, but I prefer to do it myself. Yes, a little because it's getting done MY way but mostly because cleaning is therapeutic for me.

5) Learning that doing things my way isn't always necessarily right. (Whew! That was hard to admit!)
I have definitely learned to adjust to doing some things his way, or just looking at things differently with an open mind. Right now, I ca't think of anything. But I'm pretty sure I have. I'll ask him.

6) I get to come home to him every single day! Can't wait!
I absolutely LOVE this! It is such a joy to come home and tell him about my day and hear about his and just have him around in general. It is so awesome!
7) I get to spend every single holiday with him!
So far, we haven't had any major holidays together. But I am looking forward to our trip to NYC for Thanksgiving.

8) Doing our laundry (I know, that's weird.)
Yeah, not so much. We sometimes do it together sometimes separate. I often times leave things in the dryer or basket for a long time (IHATE putting laundry away!), this bothers Christopher because his stuff gets wrinkled. I say "so what? We have an iron." Anyway, I sometimes do his, but sometimes he goes ahead and just does his own when he needs it done.

9) I look forward to seeing his glasses on the bathroom counter.
Or on the nightstand. I mostly prefer when he wears them, he looks freaking adorable!

10) Starting new traditions together.
Again, this will be more so when the holidays come around.

11) Sharing the same last name.
LOVE my last name! I love saying "The Wilsons." Although, I've forgotten a few times and said Heckman, the people at work still call me Heckman. Old habits die hard!

12) Vacations together, starting with our honeymoon to Jamaica. SO EXCITED!
Honeymoon was fantastic! We are so much alike in our travel style. We both want tondo and try everything, and aren't happy to just hang out in the room. We also got to go to Florida with some friends for Labor Day and to St. Louis in July. We're looking forward to NYC and then CO for NYE.

13) Having our home together.
Love, love, love our home! We have gotten all our projects done and it definitely feels like "ours."

It's been a great 6 months and I can't wait to see how the rest of our first year plays out!

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