Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thirty Before 30: # 13

Sorrry, I didn't post last Thursday. I was at this wonderful couple's wedding: 
That's them at my wedding back in April. Congrats to Mr. and Mrs. Billings!

So, I knocked one more off of my list. I painted a painting and so did C. There is a super cute place here called Pinot's Palette. They do paint nights where you bring in your own food and drink and they walk you through how to paint a picture. Two Fridays ago was pet night. Well, there's 2 of us and 2 of them so it was a perfect arrangement. We sent them pics of Marty and Libby and they posted them on canvases like this:

My cute painter:
We painted the backgrounds first.
Voila! Finished products! 
It was a super fun night, and I'm glad to mark that one off the list. I'm starting to feel overwhelmed with how many I have to do, but I know I can do it! I'm still working on numbers 15 and 23. I have been to boot camp 2 weeks in a row at 3 times each. So, I think the regular work-out schedule is on it's way which will lead to accomplishing #23. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Now you are an artist!! Cute paintings!!