Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Traditions

Merry Christmas, everyone! I was reading my friend Ashley's blog (go check it out, it's adorable)  the other day about Christmas traditions. She talked about how her family doesn't have any real set traditions as far as what they eat, where they are, etc. It got me to thinking about my own Christmas traditions. As a kid, my family had several things we did year after year. We always go to church on Christmas eve. Christmas eve dinner consisted of party foods and hor d'ouvres (sausage balls, raw oysters, peel and eat shrimp, summer sausage, you get the idea) and we'd always play a game. As we got older, we'd stay up late playing intense games of Trivial Pursuit. When we were younger, my mom had no problem getting us to bed. We were the kids who when we were tired we went to sleep. We actually are both still that way. I barely ever make it through a movie! Christmas morning we opened gifts in our pjs, after being woken up at an extremely early hour. Little brother would get us up so early all the presents would be open by 6:30! I'll never forget the year that changed. I was back in Colorado for Christmas and went upstairs Christmas morning to find my parents dressed! In all my life, this had never happened. They told me my brother was still asleep so I could go get ready and then we'd do presents. This was so bizarre to me, but I went ahead and did it. Then I ran in his room and jumped on the bed to wake him up like he used to do to me.Stockings were always opened first. We tried to take turns opening gifts so it lasted longer. Breakfast usually consisted of a breakfast casserole of some sort (after we'd eaten half the candy in our stockings). Christmas dinner (which usually is eaten a few days after Christmas because we're so full from candy and snacks from Christmas eve) is surf and turf. We have prime rib and crab legs. This is probably my favorite tradition!
Another tradition, and probably the longest held, is Christmas pajamas. I have gotten Christmas pajamas on Christmas eve as long as I can remember. My Mawgie started it, and after she passed away my mother continued. Now, the hubby gets them with us.

Wearing our matching pajamas and playing none other than Trivial Pursuit. I remember I won that year!

The first year I brought C home for Christmas. Little brother didn't think he'd like him. He fit right in!
And then the tradition continued.
My mom will be thrilled to see I'm rocking pajamas from Christmas past.
Lots of found memories of these traditions I partook in for so many years. So, now that I'm married what traditions do we have now? This is only our second married Christmas, so we're still getting used to the fact that we can start our own traditions. Some things are the same as last year, some are different. Both years, we've gone to church where we attend as a married couple. Both years we've spend Christmas eve and Christmas morning just the 2 of us. We go to his parents later in the day. Last year we spend New Year's eve in Colorado and did Christmas with my family the last week of December. This year, my hubby can't get off until the 13th. I will be travelling to CO alone on the first so I can see my brother while he's there. I will just bring C back his presents. The travelling part I know will probably be inconsistent until we have kids. My philosophy is kids should always wake up Christmas day in their own house. We open our stockings first, stay in our pajamas, then eat breakfast. Last year I made pancakes that were dyed green and stacked to look like Christmas trees. This year, I made quiche. Both years, we have watched Christmas movies on Christmas eve. The hubby loves A Christmas Story, which is not one of my faves, but it's been incorporated into the traditions we're creating. I guess when you get married the traditions you start are some from your family, some from theirs and new ones. I know after kids more and more traditions will begin and continue.

Below are two things I've started as my own traditions that I love. The first is the book, Promise Me by Richard Paul Evans. My mom turned me onto this about 4 years ago. I have read it every Christmas since. I know he has other books, I've just never read them. I love this book. Every year I read it the story is so familar, like an old friend. Yet, like a friend I discover something new each time I read it. Yeah, I know that was corny. Anyway, go and read this book. It's a quick read. I can't tell you what it's about without giving too much away. It's very much fiction and would never happen, and that's why I like it.

My other favorite tradition is m using my Christmas china. We don't get our Christmas decor out until December 1st. (Hey! I just found another tradition we created.) This year it was even later since I got the stomach bug on December 1st. Ugh. Anyway, the day after Thanksgiving I was going to put up all my regular china from dinner and thought "Why would I go to all this trouble just have to take it down and switch it out with the Christmas in 2 days?" So, that was one decoration that went up early. My pattern (as a simply southern wife, of course I have "my pattern") is Holly, by Lenox. I love how elegant it is. I use it no matter what we're eating. It's meant to be enjoyed! So even if we're eating frozen pizza, I will use the Christmas china. I have also been known to pour a beer in my Waterford. Why not? I love drinking my chai out of one of the pretty mugs. 

What are some of your family's traditions? Does Santa wrap his gifts or bring them unwrapped? (our Santa never wrapped) Do you get dressed before opening gifts? Do you open presents Christmas eve or Christmas day?  Whatever your traditions I hope you all have a very, merry Christmas! Remember: the ultimate tradition is that year after year we can remember God sent His Son to come to earth in human form so He could be the ultimate gift: everlasting life.
Merry Christmas, y'all!
Here are some ghosts from Christmas past:


Saturday, December 21, 2013

I Can No Longer Remain Silent

For those of you who know me well or have even spent 5 minutes with me, your attention was probably grabbed from the title of this post because you’re thinking: “She can no longer remain silent? When has she EVER been silent?” I like to talk and I have an opinion on pretty much everything. From Benghazi to the stoppers they put in my Starbucks cup. But you’d be surprised to know that there are many times I keep my mouth shut. There are many times I don’t share something on Facebook or post a status because of who I may offend, whose feelings I may hurt, or because I’m just not in the mood to get into a spitting match on Facebook. You know social media that I don’t like to take seriously. But I’ll post on that another day. After thinking this over for a few days now I have come to the decision to post my thoughts on what happened with Phil Robertson on my blog. Yes, I know it may sound hypocritical since I just said I don’t take social media seriously. If you regularly read my blog, you know I never really put anything on here that serious. I talk about cooking, travelling, what I wore, etc.  However, it’s also a way I can reach the masses and it gives me a platform where I can think about what I say and make sure I don’t just spout off. Also, I would like to say to my liberal friends (and conservative friends, too) don’t decide not to read this on the assumption I’m going to sound off on a right-wing rant. I have given this a lot of thought and consideration. Yes, I want to talk about Phil’s comments but I’d like to talk about what I believe and what I’ve based them on.

First, let’s talk about Phil. I love the show Duck Dynasty. I will admit I love it because they aren’t the “norm.” I love watching a show where a Christian family openly talks about Jesus, has funny (albeit admittedly scripted) predicaments they get into and just isn’t the same reality show trash that has been on TV since Real World came on. If you don’t like the show, that’s fine. Don’t watch it. No biggie. After hearing what happened Wednesday night, I went onto the internet and looked up the GQ article. If you haven’t read it, go read it right here. The media has taken different things that were said out of context from the interview. It’s a very good article, and I give the interviewer props for going down to West Monroe and riding the ATV and shooting and visiting their home. The big controversy is that Phil made “homophobic” comments. (Side note: I hate that word. Not agreeing with something doesn’t make you scared of it. I don’t agree with LOTS of things, but I’m not scared of any of them!) Phil said, “It seems like, to me, a vagina—as a man—would be more desirable than a man’s anus. That’s just me. I’m just thinking: There’s more there! She’s got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes!” Any heterosexual man who does or does not support homosexuality feels that way. A heterosexual man prefers a woman’s vagina over a man’s anus. So, how is that so vile or condemning? He’s just stating his sexual preference. Just so you know kids, “anus” and “vagina” are medical terms for body parts. In the article, the interviewer states “There are seat belts in this ATV, but it doesn’t look like they’ve ever been used. Phil is not wearing one. I am not wearing one, because I don’t want Phil to think I’m a pussy.” Um, hello? The last time I checked that word is usually viewed as “vile” in society compared to the clinical term for it.

Below is straight from the GQ article. This is what caused most of the uproar:

We’re Bible-thumpers who just happened to end up on television,” he tells me. “You put in your article that the Robertson family really believes strongly that if the human race loved each other and they loved God, we would just be better off. We ought to just be repentant, turn to God, and let’s get on with it, and everything will turn around.” What does repentance entail? Well, in Robertson’s worldview, America was a country founded upon Christian values (Thou shalt not kill, etc.), and he believes that the gradual removal of Christian symbolism from public spaces has diluted those founding principles. (He and Si take turns going on about why the Ten Commandments ought to be displayed outside courthouses.) He sees the popularity of Duck Dynasty as a small corrective to all that we have lost. “Everything is blurred on what’s right and what’s wrong,” he says. “Sin becomes fine.” What, in your mind, is sinful? “Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men,” he says. Then he paraphrases Corinthians: “Don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers—they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.

He states FIRST that the human race should love God and each other. That doesn’t sound like hate speech to me. When he is asked what he thinks is sinful, he QUOTES the Bible. Whether you believe the book or not, he just quoted it. Everything he listed as sinful is listed in the Bible as sinful. Later in the article he is quoted saying “We never, ever judge someone on who’s going to heaven, hell. That’s the Almighty’s job. We just love ’em, give ’em the good news about Jesus—whether they’re homosexuals, drunks, terrorists. We let God sort ’em out later, you see what I’m saying?” He NEVER once condemns people for being homosexual. He states his own sexuality, what he believes from the Bible and then says it’s no one’s place to judge anyone for ANYTHING. So, I ask where did he condemn homosexuals in the interview?  People are going to disagree with the things you do in your life every day. That doesn’t mean they are condemning you or judging you. GLAAD stated that "Phil and his family claim to be Christian, but Phil's lies about an entire community fly in the face of what true Christians believe.” This is completely untrue. He didn’t lie about the gay community. And where is it GLAAD’s place to say what true Christian’s believe? The definition of a true Christian would be in the Bible, that book Phil quoted that states homosexuality is a sin. I’m just a bit confused by the hypocrisy in that statement.

Speaking of hypocrisy, there’s a lot of that going around on social media. The common theme seems to be that people are picking and choosing what parts of the Bible they want to follow. Someone posted a picture of Phil with Leviticus 10:6 that states “Then Moses said to Aaron and his sons Eleazar and Ithamar, “Do not let your hair become unkempt, and do not tear your clothes…”” This is under the old covenant that God made with Moses. Under the old covenant, there were many laws for the Israelites to follow. When Moses is referring to “unkempt hair” he is speaking to the Levite priests. The old covenant required them to sacrifice animals to repent of their sins. The new covenant of course was Jesus Christ. He fulfilled the laws of the old covenant.  Jesus said “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. (Matthew 5:17) Someone else posted on Facebook that how can Phil be called a good Christian when Leviticus 19:17-18 says, “Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart: thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour, and not suffer sin upon him. Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the Lord.” They posted “I guess that part of being a good Christian is okay to disregard when it comes to the hatred of some? Considering that is the 3rd book written and specific to the 10 Commandments I would like to think that it takes precedent over all else in the bible. Even if there are some places of contradiction later.” First off, Phil never said anything that was hateful or judgmental. He stated he prefers vagina and quoted the Bible. He also stated that we should all love each other and God and let Him sort out the sinners, As far as the Bible being a contradiction, that’s absolutely not true. The Bible states in multiple places to love each other as Christ loves us. It states what sins are what. Love the sinner, hate the sin. Calling something a sin doesn’t mean you are hating the person doing it or that you are condemning them. I also saw a post that talked about how Jesus when out amongst prostitutes, thieves, adulterers, etc. Yes, He absolutely did. He didn’t do it because he condoned their actions but to save them. Look at the story in John where the adulteress was about to be stoned. Jesus told her to go out and sin no more. (John 8:11) He acknowledged that she was a sinner but through Him she could be born again and be forgiven of her sins. We all can! So, yes Jesus went among the lowest of the low but He was saving them not condoning them. I have gay friends and family members; I love them as I am called to do. That doesn’t mean I condone their lifestyle but I don’t judge them either. For I know I am now without sin either.

Don’t get me wrong, I get it. I understand the confusion. Why did God make homosexuality a sin? It doesn’t hurt anyone. It’s not like murder, suicide, adultery, things that hurt other people. Like Phil said: “But hey, sin: It’s not logical, my man. It’s just not logical.” It is not my job to question God, or try to understand why He has chosen to do something, it is my job to follow His laws and worship Him. It is my job to fully trust Him and believe He knows what He’s doing. Funny, every time I do that my life turns out better than I ever imagined.

All of that was to get to my point: The whole point of this post was that I am hesitant to repost things on Facebook pertaining to Phil and that I felt I could better explain in a well-crafted thought out post. I really don’t ever want to hurt anyone’s feelings. I don’t. I don’t want to share a funny picture pertaining to Duck Dynasty and freedom of speech and my gay friends and family members think I don’t like them or are judging them because I posted it. BUT, whether it’s a funny post, a scripture, whatever I know that there is only one person I need to worry about offending and that is the Lord Jesus Christ. I think as a Christian I should take a cue from ole Phil. In the interview he asks the reporter about his faith and shares with him the gospel. Isn’t that what as Christians we are called to do? “And He said to them, Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” (Mark 16:15) Phil isn’t ashamed of being a follower of Christ and neither am I. This is what I believe: God sent His Son in human form to die for all our sins and have everlasting life. (John 3:16) I believe that God is omnipotent and never-changing. His laws are the same yesterday, today and forever. (Malachi 3:6) I believe that the only way to Heaven is through the Lord Jesus Christ. “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6) If you accept Him as your Savior you are washed clean of your sins. You don’t have to be a perfect person (Jesus is the only perfect person to have ever walked the earth) to get to Heaven. Thank goodness!! If we had to be perfect there would be a long line to hell and I’d definitely be in it. I believe you can’t buy your way into Heaven with good deeds. However, we should all strive not to sin and do good things for other people as we are called to do.

The purpose of this post was to share with you all what I believe and why I believe it. (and of course to give you my opinion on Phil Robertson) If you are not a Christian or an atheist, I understand that I probably didn’t convince you there’s a God. As my friend’s husband (who’s a youth minister) once told me. You can’t convince a non-believer to believe by quoting scripture. They don’t believe in it anyway. But, hopefully it gives you some insight into my beliefs and you now know that because I “stand with Phil,” doesn’t mean I hate, discriminate or judge anyone. Merry Christmas, everyone and God bless.

Please note: all Bible verses are from the King James version. My quotes from the interview are from and comments from GLAAD are from,0,5794392.story#axzz2o8KZhq7D.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Happy Happy Happy Birthday to Me!

Yesterday was my birthday. I LOVE birthdays. I also love the fact my birthday is the same month as Christmas because I love Christmas as well. I had a fabulous day! I had lunch with 2 sweet girlfriends, had a massage (the perfect present from my in-laws), and had dinner at my favorite restaurant, Grisanti's, with my sweet hubby. Thank you all for all the sweet calls, texts, Facebook messages, etc. I'm so blessed with wonderful friends and family. God has blessed me richly.  

 Toasting my 31st with this cute birthday girl wine glass my mom got me a few years ago.
Top: Piko 1988
Pants: Express (the most comfy skinny pants you'll ever wear! Thanks to my friend Carey for telling about them!)
Necklace: Banana Republic (hot pink screams birhtday to me)
Shoes (Not pictures): Michael Kors flats (last year's gift from the hubby)
I went for comfort in my birthday attire. I wanted to look cute, but maybe I am getting old because I just did not want to deal with heels or Spanx or tights or anything.

Obviously I was a little excited about my present. The hubby did good! He got me a fabulous bag for work/purse for everyday. Libby looks like an alien in the background.
Thank you all for a wonderful birthday! Remember: growing old is a privilege denied to many.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Fashion Friday: Thanksgiving and Winter Wear

I really don't have a favorite season. I used to think I did, but I love them all! When fall rolls around, I am so excited to wear boots and sweaters, in winter my coat and scarves, then spring I'm ready for skirts with no tights and then summer I love my sun dresses. So right now, I'm just basking in the glory of all my favorite winter wear.

This year we hosted Thanksgiving at our house. It was a lot of fun. My parents came in from Colorado, Christopher's parents came and his grandmother. We were sad that my little bro couldn't make it, but we did FaceTime him. We keep Thanksgiving somewhat casual in the sense of we put all the food on the counter so everyone can make their plate and we don't dress up. However, I LOVE china. I loved that I got to use it all. My china pattern is "Autumn" by Lenox. I've loved it since I was probably 12 (only a true Southern belle would pick her china pattern as a child!). So since we weren't too fancy I opted for pants, a flannel button down and a sweater.

 Pants: Express Sweater, shirt and boots: Banana Republic
All are still in stores except the boots, but I'm sure they have similar ones.

Of course I had to dress it up with pearls! I wouldn't be a true Southern hostess without pearls, right?
Statement necklace: Stella & Dot
Below is another one of my favorite looks for winter. I LOVE how fur vests are back in style. I have 2, 1 from college and 1 from a few years ago. This just goes to show that you should never get rid of anything because it will come back in style. I found the skirt at BR and paired it with the vest. Y'all know how I love hats, so the felt wide-brimmed hat was the perfect edition to the outfit. Let me tell you, if you wear a hat ladies you will get noticed. I think I'm going to always wear a hat to work now. I think I'll sell more!

Hat, skirt and boors: Banana Republic
Leggins: Old Navy
Vest: New York and CO

What are some of your favorite looks for winter? Below are a few more fave looks to go on my wish list.

Love her coat and scarf! And of course the Louis Vuitton.

I have a slight obsession with vests. I own 5.

It doesn't matter what she wears, she always looks fabulous.

I have a similar sweater from Old Navy. So comfy!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Fashion Friday: Resort Wear

I apologize for my absence. I realize it's been over a month since I posted something. (New Year's resolution: post to blog regularly) It's been a crazy past few weeks. The weekend of November 15th we went to The Bahamas with my company. It was a blast!
Welcome party on the beach

One of the many slides (that's C coming down)

Our room

View from our room
 Let's talk about what to wear while on vacation. As the city shut down for a terrible ice storm (which didn't happen) and we're all snuggled up inside scared to venture out into the 20 degree temps, let's think about what we'd be wearing in tropical temps. It was fun to pack for warm temps. I got to dig out all the things I'd just packed away for winter. The only problem with this, is if you want to buy something new (ie a swimsuit) it's darn near impossible to find. My friend, Kate had this adorable, retro-style, bikini that she'd bought for her trip to Florida this summer. She said it was made by "Seafolly," an Australian company and she found it on Zappos. She said it was a little on the pricy side ($100 -$120 range) but it was worth it. It's quality made and very flattering. I went to Zappos and because summer is over, they were on sale! Woo hoo! Unfortunately, because summer is over everything was picked over. I could find the bottoms in my size, but the only top they had was DD. Or my size top, but size 00 bottoms. Long story short, my sweet friend lent me her swim suit. I will definitely be buying one as soon as spring is here! Here it is:

The high bottoms are super flattering! When going to the pool or beach, I never go without sunblock on my face, big sunglasses and a big hat. I was fortunate that the night before I left I was at Banana shopping and found that navy sunhat on clearance from this summer. It was perfect!
So, for times we weren't at the pool or beach I packed a few pairs of shorts and tops. I made the mistake of overpacking on our honeymoon. Don't forget: you're going to spend almost all your time in your swimsuit and cover-up so a lot of extra day time clothes aren't necessary. You can dress up your casual wear with shoes and a statement necklace. See below.

My Tory Burch slides are my go-to! We are standing next to a sculpture in our resort that apparently cost a million dollars to create.
 When it comes to going out for dinner, I suggest packing 2 dresses that can roll in your suitcase and won't get wrinkled. Below is a dress I also wore on our honeymoon that I bought at Dillards.
Friday night for the beach party I chose a maxi dress I purcahsed at a local Memphis boutique. It packs really easy.
So, after a nice long weekend in The Bahamas we came back to reality and started getting ready for Thanksgiving. We were hosting this year, and of course I had things I wanted to get done on the house before the big day. But, that's for another post. Stay tuned!