Friday, February 7, 2014

Ladies and Gentlemen... THE BEATLES!!!

If you haven't picked up on this yet: I was born in the wrong time. I should be my parents' age. No, really. If I were my parents' age I'd have been the age I am now in the mid-80's. OMG would that have been fun! I'd have been in high school/college in the seventies. Which in my opinion is the greatest decade for rock. I mean hello! Lynyrd Skynyrd, Peter Frampton, Boston, Queen, Aerosmith, The Eagles, Fleetwood Mac I could go (on and on) are the best bands ever. But I know for sure that in 1964 I would've been glued to my television set watching the 4 boys from Liverpool on the Ed Sullivan Show. 50 years ago today they got off the plane in America and rock music was forever changed.

So, I'm a little jealous that I wasn't alive (or even thought of, or that my parents hadn't even met yet) when the Beatles first came to America. I definitely would have had Beatleamania (and I guess I do now). But thanks to the technology of Youtube I can watch it and dance around my living room and pretend I'm 8 years old and dance around. Maybe if I had been around then my mom and I would've been friends and we would've watched it together? Even though that isn't possible, I am so happy that she introduced me to the Beatles. When I was 10, she took me to see Sir Paul, "the cute Beatle" at the Liberty Bowl. See post about him here. So, for all of those like me who weren't around back then and for all of those who were and want to re-live it I hope you'll enjoy the following:
I know I'm biased because my mom always ingrained this in my head, but don't y'all agree when I say Paul really was the cutest? Now, I have a hard time with this because I really don't agree with his politics (I mean c'mon dude, you're not an American citizen you don't even live here, so just shut up), BUT I do love the Beatles and really respect what they did for music as we know it. Below you will find a list of my favorite Beatle songs and you will see that I really did prefer these Beatles:

 Over these Beatles:

My list (in no particular order):

Can't Buy Me Love
Do You Wanna Know a Secret
Drive My Car ( I may have choreographed a dance to this and performed it in my 4th grade music class talent show)
Saw Her Standing There
8 Days a Week
Hey Jude (LOVE!)
A Hard Days Night
Here Comes the Sun
I am the Walrus (my friend Lauren and I used to LOVE this song!)
I Feel Fine
I Want to Hold Your Hand
Lady Madonna
Ob La Di
Let it Be
She Loves You
Penny Lane
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band (I actually wrote my own lyrics to this about Mrs. Joyner's 4th grade class. If you have guessed, 4th grade is when my mom took me to see Paul in concert)
Paperback Writer
Magical Mystery Tour (his upright piano in concert had lights on it for this song)
All My Loving
She's a Woman

What are some of your favorite Beatles songs? I'm really looking forward to the 50th anniversary special on CBS Sunday night!

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