Saturday, February 1, 2014

Oh How I Love a Theme Party!

Y'all I am so late on this post it's not even funny. Today is February 1st and I'm posting on Christmas. But I loved this so much I didn't want to not post on it. So, let's turn the clock back and go back to December. My friend Ashley (be sure to check out her blog At Witz Inn) had a girls' Christmas movie night at her apartment building. She and her hubby live in this very posh building downtown that has a theatre room. Not only was it girls' Christmas movie night, but it was combined with a cookie swap.
Lasagna and Caesar salad dinner made by our hostess

It's my fault Ashley loves Lambrusco now. :)
How cute are the Mason jars?

Yep, that's right. She had movie candy on all our chairs.

We watched "It's a Wonderful Life," which has to be one of the greatest Christmas movie of all time.
I was excited to introduce it to a few friends who'd never seen it.
All the yummy cookies!
 See? Wasn't that totally worth going back in time? Adorable little get together! Thanks, Ashley for a great time!

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