Thursday, December 19, 2013

Happy Happy Happy Birthday to Me!

Yesterday was my birthday. I LOVE birthdays. I also love the fact my birthday is the same month as Christmas because I love Christmas as well. I had a fabulous day! I had lunch with 2 sweet girlfriends, had a massage (the perfect present from my in-laws), and had dinner at my favorite restaurant, Grisanti's, with my sweet hubby. Thank you all for all the sweet calls, texts, Facebook messages, etc. I'm so blessed with wonderful friends and family. God has blessed me richly.  

 Toasting my 31st with this cute birthday girl wine glass my mom got me a few years ago.
Top: Piko 1988
Pants: Express (the most comfy skinny pants you'll ever wear! Thanks to my friend Carey for telling about them!)
Necklace: Banana Republic (hot pink screams birhtday to me)
Shoes (Not pictures): Michael Kors flats (last year's gift from the hubby)
I went for comfort in my birthday attire. I wanted to look cute, but maybe I am getting old because I just did not want to deal with heels or Spanx or tights or anything.

Obviously I was a little excited about my present. The hubby did good! He got me a fabulous bag for work/purse for everyday. Libby looks like an alien in the background.
Thank you all for a wonderful birthday! Remember: growing old is a privilege denied to many.


MrGary said...

All this birthday fun could not happen to a nicer woman, or cousin!


MrGary said...
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