Monday, September 15, 2014

High Maintenance

I'm on my way to sunny California this morning for 10 days of training for the new job. Y'all I think I over did it on packing. The thing is, I have to have business clothes for each day and I'm not sure what the laundry situation will be. I went to Europe for over 2 weeks and took the same suitcase I'm taking today. I take my Girl Scout motto of "Be Prepared" very seriously. I don't want to get there and not have something. 10 days also means that travel sized shampoo and face wash won't cut it. And if I'm being completely honest here (and this is what defines me as "high maintenance") I packed coffee creamer. Not the powdered stuff, but the full on liquid. I froze it last night and put ice packs around it in a Ziplock so it won't go bad while en route. If you read my post yesterday, you know I'm weird about my coffee. So to make myself feel more at home, I packed my beloved sugar free pumpkin spice Coffee-mate to have in the morning while I get ready. Like I do at home. I also included a Tervis tumbler so I can take it with me. 

Speaking of making things feel like home, I packed a frame pic of me and the hubby. Again, I know. HIGH MAINTENANCE. What can I say? This is the longest I've gone being away from him and I'm a big ol' baby. I have friends whose husbands and boyfriends have gone off to Afghanistan for months at a time. I have a new found respect for them. How do they do it? 

Have a great Monday everybody! 

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Twenty Things

One of the blogs I read regularly (Pawley's Island Posh) had a post the other day where she was tagged by a fellow blogger to list twenty things about herself. A little get-to-know you game if you will. So I am going to start this chain on my blog and I am tagging The Fashionable Wife and Leslie Jerkins.
Let's go!

1) I met my husband at Harrah's Casino. Little did we know we had so many connections.

2) I am very picky about my coffee. I would prefer to have a vanilla no water chai from Starbucks every day. However, that's too much money and too many calories. I will drink coffee but only if I make it at home so its weak and I can put in a lot of creamer. And I mean A LOT. Like 10 TBSP throughout 4 cups of coffee. Don't worry, I get sugar free and I count my WW points for it.

3) I am one of those weird people who talks to their dogs like they're people. When talking to my parents, I refer to them as the "granddogs."

4) I clean my house every single week. I cannot stand for it not to be clean. I don't mean just picking up, but cleaning toilets, mopping floors, vacuuming, dusting, etc. I grew up in a family who did the same thing. We all had our assigned chores. I'm lucky my husband likes things neat as well. I also find cleaning very calming and soothing.

5) I love to read. I can have a few books going at once. I can read and watch TV at the same time. The problem is when I'm into a book everything else goes out the window, nothing gets done.

6) I can read a book I like over and over. I LOVE the Shopaholic series and have read it multiple times. I also love The Help. I read (er, listened) to it on audio when it first came out and now I've listened to it about 5 or 6 times. Twice in one year even!

7) I also can watch TV shows and movies over and over. It's very hard for me to get into something new. Christopher gets me out of my comfort zone. If it weren't for him I wouldn't even have cable and would watch Friends, Frasier, I Love Lucy, Everybody Loves Raymond, Designing Women, Gilmore Girls, The Nanny and Golden Girls reruns on repeat over and over.

8) Up until a few years ago, I didn't like cantaloupe. Now I can't get enough.

9) Same for oatmeal. Now I eat it I only like the old-fashioned kind (instant? barf!) and I put half a cup in a bowl with blueberries or raspberries and pour 3/4 cup boiling water over it. I put a plate over it and let it "cook" for 10 minutes. Then I mix in unsweetened applesauce and cinnamon with it.

10) I am a morning person, but not an up and at 'em morning person. Meaning: I like to get up early and have quiet time in the morning, but I don't want to be up early in the shower and out the door early.

11) As you probably already know, I was born in the wrong time. My favorite music comes from the 60's/70's/80's. I even like to listen to the big band station on my Sirius XM. I think I Love Lucy is the greatest show on television. I relish history. I think past fashions are better, movies from then are better. Back then, things could be funny without vulgarity. Actors and musicians had to have talent because they didn't have special effects and technology to make them look good. Dancing consisted of actually knowing steps and not just a guy grinding his junk into a girl's hind quarters. Actors and actresses actually had patriotism and didn't use their fame to bring people to hate their country.

12) I used to wash my hair every single day. Maybe it was habit from those oily teenage years. Now I can go every other day to every three days and it's ok.

13) I am a home body and so is my husband. Don't get me wrong, we love to travel. But, when it comes to being in town we love to stay home. Why go out to a bar when we can sit on our own patio? In sweats? The first thing both of us do when we get home is change. Usually I put on yoga pants or Christopher's sweat pants or pajama bottoms and a tee shirt or sweatshirt. He normally puts on sports shorts or sweat pants and a tee shirt. We like to be comfy. We like to come home and chill, I'll make dinner, we eat sometimes at the table sometimes on the couch and we watch our shows. Some nights we like to play cards or board games or the Wii.

14) I am a list maker. I get this from my mom. I have a daily to-do list, a work one and a personal one.

15) I have a love/hate relationship with social media. Love: finding old friends, staying current on what's going on with friends who live far away, etc. Hate: how it's created laziness (a wall post in NOT a thank you note), the narcissism ( what does it being Sunday have to do with the selfie you put up of yourself in the car?) the bitching (if your kids are annoying then why did you have them?) the bragging (no one gives a damn your kid slept through the night) and so on and so on.

16) I'm disgusted with how stupid society is. Everyone will go on and on for days about Ray Rice but no one seems to care about James Foley and the others who have been be-headed or the Christians being killed for their beliefs. They know who the starting forward for the Heat is but have no idea who the Senate Majority Leader is.

17) If I could have any career, I would want to be a Broadway actress. I have felt this way ever since I saw Camelot at the Orpheum when I was 4. I absolutely love musicals, except for Andrew Lloyd Webber musicals. I find them cheesy and annoying. Just call me Mr. Sheffield.

18) When I was little, my mom made days of the week tags for me to hang on the hangers in my closet .I had to pick out all my outfits for the week on Sunday night. If I didn't, I would make myself late for school. While I don't have tags now, I still have to have an idea in my head the night before or I will be late the next day.

19)  I absolutely love children and I want them. Just because I don't want to see a million posts on social media about them doesn't mean I don't like them. I just have an issue with all the baby/kid pics on the internet for a few reasons: a kid has an internet profile by the time they're one (creepy!), what if your kid grows up and says "I didn't want my picture all over the internet." (same reason why I can't stand when people pierce their baby's ears), it freaks me out that no matter what I have no control over whether someone else posts my child's picture on the internet.

20) I am a sinner. I am not perfect, nor do I claim to be. I am forgiven by the blood and sacrifice of Jesus Christ and Him alone. It's not about following rules, or doing good works. No one can live up to that. It's just about accepting Him as your Savior and knowing that through Him and only Him is the way to eternal life.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Fall Cleaning

While I know most people do their deep cleaning inthe spring, I like to do mine in the fall. Maybe it's because I like the house all clean and ready for my Christmas decorations I don't know. I have made my list and have crossed off a few things already. I was hoping I would have it all done before I leave for a 2 week business trip, but that's not going to happen. I leave Monday.

Here is the list:

- clean grout
- clean behind oven
- clean behind fridge
- clean inside of fridge
- organize pantry*
- clean pantry floor
- wash  fabric blinds on french doors (not sure how I'm going to do this as they have hardware on them that isn't removable)
- dust blinds
- clean window sills
- clean window
- dust light fixtures
- dust baseboards
- organize cabinets
- vacuum out cabinets
- Magic Eraser on all cabinets, oven/DW/fridge handles/backdoor**
- clean oven***
- clean copper canisters
- polish silver

* Our pantry has to be re-organized a few times a year as it is small and easily gets cluttered. Here is where I posted about it originally.
** Magic Erasers are life-changing! That natural discoloration that can happen to door handles (especially white) just from the same spot always being touched when opening said door, instantly gone with a little wipe of the Magic Eraser. Barely any elbow grease involved! I also use them on my baseboards.
*** Right, wrong, or indifferent I use Easy Off to clean my oven. I know the fumes are bad for me, but I have tried to use a home-remedy cleaner with baking soda or vinegar or whatever Martha and Pinterest recommends and it just doesn't work.

Powder Room:                        Upstairs Hallway:
- clean grout                             - dust baseboards/beadboard
- dust baseboards                     - clean vent
- organize cabinets                  - clean under/behind bookcase
- Magic Eraser on cabinets     - organize linen closet

Laundry Room (ahem, closet):         Coat Closet:
- clean washer/dryer                             - Old coats to Goodwill*
- vacuum behind washer/dryer             - organize holiday decorations**  
- clean/organize shelves                       - vacuum out bottom of closet

* Anyone else hold on to their coat for decades? One of my coats is worn and I couldn't figure out why seems like it's not that old. Then I realized I got it in 2006.
** We're fortunate that our coat closet goes under the stairs. I can get 2 Rubbermaid bins 4 deep and 2 high. All my Christmas/fall/etc decorations are right in the closet in our living room which is really convenient!

- organize dresser/chest of drawers*
- organize closet*
- clothes to Goodwill
- dust baseboards
- clean windowsill
- clean window

* Yes, I have so many clothes that I have to keep them in the guestroom furniture as well as my dresser and closet in our room. The guestroom closet has my winter or summer clothes (depending on the season) and all of Christopher's suits in there. Along with craft supplies, scrapbooking stuff, knitting, etc.

Master Bedroom:                                       Upstairs Bathroom:
- dust baseboards                                          - clean grout
- clean windowsills                                       - clean shower rack
- clean windows                                            - wash shower curtain
- dust ceiling fan                                           - dust baseboards
- organize closets                                          - Magic Eraser on cabinets
- clothes to Goodwill                                    - Organize cabinets
- organize dresser drawers                            - vacuum out bins
- vacuum closets                                           - wipe down walls
- vacuum mattress

Living Room:                                            Patio/Outside:
- vacuum chair and couch                          - clean/organize cabinet (Thanks, hubby!)
- vacuum behind couch                             - clean glider
- dust baseboards                                       - clean doors
- clean windows                                        - power wash patio/bick wall
- clean window sills                                  - lights for flower beds
- clean above door                                    - clean bikes
- dust ceiling fan                                       - clean out flower beds
- go thru magazines                                  - plant fall flowers
- organize bookshelves
- take off books and dust shelves
- organize movies
- take out movies and dust all shelves in entertainment center

It would seem I have a daunting task ahead of me, but I like to do a few things each day. I know I won't get it all done at once. While that would be nice, it's not possible. DO any of y'all have an annual cleaning ritual?

Friday, September 12, 2014

Fashion Friday: Landsend

Happy Friday! I don't know about y'all, but this week flew by. I really didn't want it to. I will be gone for 2 weeks for training starting on Monday. I am such a baby. I really don't want to be away from my hubby that long. I remind myself of the women who have husbands are deployed for months at a time and they can't even talk to them. I can't complain and I am loving this new job. Anyway, a few weeks ago C and I were talking about Landsend. I said I wish we got the catalog. I know at one point they re-branded themselves and had clothes very similar to J. Crew. So, I went on their website and found some great pieces and great sales. I ended up ordering this dress:

Adorable, right? The best part is it was marked dow from $89 to 19.99! Landend isn't just for mongrammed backpacks and lunchboxes. They've got some really good clothes, reasonably priced and you know it's good quality. Here are some of my favorites:


Happy Friday, y'all! Enjoy the 75* weather!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

DIY Southern Wedding

Easter weekend I had the privilege of being the coordinator for my sweet friend Elizabeth's wedding. She and her mom remind me so much of me and my mother. The wedding and reception were held at Davies Plantation, which is a historic site just outside of Memphis. It was absolutely beautiul. They had planned out everything and crafted and DIY'd lots of details. So without further ado...

Loved this chest that was set up for the guestbook

Since the wedding was the Saturday before Easter, they had an egg hunt to keep the kids occupied during pictures.

The bride and groom are all about desserts. So instead of one big cake, they had assortment of different desserts.

The bride and groom love donuts!

I love this chest in the entry.

The reception hall
All the tables had different centerpieces. Some had books stacked, or pedastals with candles. The pictures were of the bride and groom and some were of their parents and grandparents on their wedding days.

The favors were Mason glasses that we used during the reception and took home after.

They also had cute little bottled Cokes and had a "Bully" (MSU mascot where the bride attended) bottle opener.

The happy couple!
Cute ribbon wands for their exit

I had a walkie-talkie and a golf cart!

Me with the beautiful bride. I'm not sure why we didn't get a pictute of us dressed up!
It was such an honor to get to help with this precious wedding. They are a great couple and I know they will have decades of happiness ahead of them. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Honeycutt!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Steel Magnolias: A Southern Classic

The Orpheum here in Memphis does a summer movies series every year. It's really fun as they show lots of classic movies, children's movies, sing-a-longs and even do theme-nights with double features. Here is this year's line-up:

  • Friday, May 30 at 7:00 PM DOUBLE FEATURE: Night of the Living Dead and Zombieland
  • Thursday, June 5 at 7:00 PM Breakfast at Tiffany’s
  • Friday, June 6 at 7:00 PM National Lampoon’s Vacation
  • Thursday, June 12 at 7:00 PM DOUBLE FEATURE: Father of the Bride (1991) and Bridesmaids
  • Friday, June 13 at 7:00 PM Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
  • Thursday, June 19 at 7:00 PM Mamma Mia Sing-Along
  • Friday, June 20 at 7:00 PM Monty Python and the Holy Grail
  • Thursday, July 10 at 7:00 PM Clue
  • Friday, July 11 at 7:00 PM Office Space
  • Wednesday, July 16 at 1:30 PM FAMILY MATINEE: Babe
  • Thursday, July 17 at 7:00 PM The Wizard of Oz Sing-Along
  • Friday, July 18 at 7:00 PM Labyrinth
  • Thursday, July 24 at 7:00 PM Steel Magnolias
  • Friday, July 25 at 1:30 PM FAMILY MATINEE: Shirley Temple in The Little Princess
  • Friday, July 25 at 7:00 PM Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
  • Thursday, July 31 at 7:00 PM Grease Sing-along
  • Friday, August 1 at 7:00 PM The Princess Bride
  • Friday, August 8 at 7:00 PM Jaws
  • Friday, August 22 at 7:00 PM Casablanca
  • Friday, September 5 at 8:00 PM The Rocky Horror Picture Show
I was disappointed that Gone With the Wind isn't being shown this year because it is my all time favorite movie. However, I have seen it at The Orpheum twice and 4 hours in those seats is a little uncomfortable. But it is so neat how they play the entire overture and intermission and even do a fashion show where women don costumes like the dresses Scarlett wore in the movie.

I was excited though to see that my second favorite movie would be showing. If you know me at all, or have even been around me for more then 5 minutes you know I can quote verbatim all of Steel Magnolias. It is such a great movie. It's hilarious in parts, serious in parts and in some parts makes you want to cry your eyes out but 5 minutes later you're laughing again. My friend Ashley informed me that only Julia Roberts won an award for it. She won a Golden Globe for best supporting actress. In my opinion, Sally Field should've received something as her performance is amazing. She was nominated for a Golden Globe, but didn't win. Julia Roberts was also nominated for an Oscar and the movie itself won a people's choice award.  Actually, they all are. This is a star-studded cast. Of course there are the women in the movie:
Dolly Parton
Olympia Dukakis
Shirley MacLaine
Darryl Hannah
And then there are the men:
Dylan McDermott
Tom Skerrit
Sam Shepherd

Here is my favorite scene:
Us girls made a night of it and went to dinner first, and even had drinks after. At The Orpheum they always have a theme cocktail to go with the movie. For this movie it was "Shelby's Juice" (aka a screwdriver). It's so fun watching these older movies here because there are parts you watch at home that you don't realize are that funny until other people start laughing. (ie how big Truvy teases up Shelby's hair for her wedding) I got so excited right before the show started and I had to laugh when my friend Ashley (the one on the left, they're both named Ashley) said "The only thing that would get Jennifer more excited is if Dixie Carter walked out." So true, friend. You know me all too well.
I didn't realize it, until after but my nails were the perfect shade of pink for the occasion and I wondered if they were "blush" or "bashful."

I really do think this movie does a great job in portraying the mother/daughter relationship. I think all women relate to that when we watch it.

If you're looking for some fun entertainment this summer, check out The Orpheum Summer Movie Series. It's inexpensive (about $7) and gives you a chance to see some good movies in the theater again or maybe for the first time.

Happy Friday, y'all!

Thursday, July 24, 2014


Okay, really this is a "catch-up" but ketchup is so darn good I decided to title my post in it's honor. Yes, as the picture indicates I prefer Hunt's over Heinz.

Lots has been going on in the world of Wilson over the past several months. Since we got back from Disney World, we have been super busy. After we got back, my friend Elizabeth got married. I had the honor of serving as her wedding coordinator.

I will post more on that later. It was a beautiful wedding.
The biggest thing that has happened is that C and I have both gotten new jobs! I know that internet etiquitte indicates you don't speak about your job, so I won't go into specifics. C is now at a different bank on the business banking side. He was previously on the retail side. 3 weeks after he started his job, I was offered a job in medical device sales. Both of us are beyond thrilled with our new positions. C now works downtown and is loving all the fun lunch spots he gets to patron.

I met him for lunch one day and we went to Flying Fish Cafe.
C got catfish and I had fried oysters and a crawfish chowder.
My man hard at work. I had to sneak a pic.

My new job is a work-from-home position. So my father-in-law is
graciously letting me use an extra office in his building. I focus better that way.

I was able to have over 2 weeks off before starting my new position. I spent the first week playing housewife (did some sewing, more about that later) and the second I spent in Colorado visiting my parents, little brother (who was also in town) and my BFF who had just had a baby. I will post on that later as well.
Here's a sneak peek:
View at over 2 miles above sea level.
When I got back, we had another wedding to attend. My friend, and former co-worker Sara Lynne got married. Her wedding was beautiful as well. Funny both of these girls (Elizabeth and Sara Lynne I met thru my last job and they both went to MSU and both just got married. Hmm.)
Me and my handsome date

The beautiful bride and my friend (and also a former co-worker) Catherine
Like I said, lots going on. Blogspot and my laptop do not seem to get along. Now that I have a new computer it seems to be doing better. So, hopefully posts will be more regular now. But, we know I have said that before.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

How I Do It Tuesday: Disney World Fashion

I realize this could be a post for "Fashion Friday," but I will save that for how I've been doing with my challenge. My biggest grievance with people on vacation, is what they wear. ESPECIALLY at places like Disney World. Yes, you're walking and standing A LOT. This doesn't mean you have to look tacky. You also don't have to spend a lot of money. Old Navy has great shorts out this year that are just as nice as J. Crew, and a fraction of the cost. I did end up buying new shorts for the trip, but I pooled together lots of shirts I've had for years to have cute, comfy clothes for standing in line. :)

Saturday (the day we left) I wore boyfriend jeans from GAP, a blue pocket tee and my Tory Burch wedges. I also took my old standby with me, my infamous Ole Miss hoodie. I usually get cold on planes, so it helps. This is also why I wear jeans. I wear my wedges because they look a little dressier (if I had it my way flying would be like it was in the 50's and we'd all dress up on our flights) and because they take up more room in the suitcase than my flipflops so it's more room for outfits! :) Also, unless I absolutely have to I never check a bag. Yes, I pack a lot but I get it all in ine roll-on bag. I don't want to have to deal with the chance of losing my luggage and then not having my stuff with me.

Sunday: Magic Kingdom
Shorts: Old Navy (found here)
Top: Ann Taylor Loft (old
Sandals: Old Navy (I actually ended up wearin my Chaco sandals that day instead, thinking these sandals are so flat they'd hurt my feet. Big mistake! Yes, the Chacos are comfy as far as the soles but 14 hours later the straps rubbed blisters and I didn't wear them the rest of the trip. The $20 Old Navy sandals ended up being the most comfy ones I own!)
Watch: Michael Kors
Monday: Hollywood Studios and Animal Kingdom
Shorts: Old Navy (found here)
Top: J. Crew (old)
Flipflops: Old Navy (found here)
 Tuesday we didn't go to the park. We had 5 day tickets so we decided a break halfway through, would be best. It was a good decision, as it rained all day. I don't have a picture of my outfit laid out but here I am with my friend Jaimie, who was in town for business so we got to meet up. Always fun! 

Sweater: Banana Republic (old)
Shorts: Old Navy (found here)
Shoes: Tory Burch wedges
Necklace: Old Navy (not sold online)

Wednesday: Hollywood Studios
Teeshirt: Old Navy (found here)
Shorts: Old Navy (found here)
Necklace: Old Navy
Sandals: Old Navy
Sandals: Old Navy
Definite theme on this day!

Thursday: Epcot
Shorts: Old Navy (found here)
Top: Fossil
Sandals: Ended up wearing the ON sandals again!
Friday: Last day in Magic Kingdom
Shorts: Banana Republic Factory Store (old
Tank: The Limited (old)
Necklace: Old Navy
Sandals: You guessed it!

Saturday: Flight home
Tee: J. Crew (old)
Shorts: Ann Taylor Loft (old)
Neckalce: Banana Republic (found here, they don't have hot pink online anymore but they have three other fabulous colors!)
Shoes: wore the Tory Burch again to take up less room in the suitcase
I packed a few other things just so I had some options (a dressy romper incase we went somewhere nice at night and one more shorts/top combo). The other biggest help I had was a post my fellow blogger, Leslieposted a few weeks ago. If you know me at all, you know I am not one to just wash my hair and go and wear it wet out in public. I like to wash, dry straighten or curl, maybe do a bun or ponytail, but never NOT do my hair. However, on vacation (especially one where it's humid and all that drying and straightening would be a waste of time) I don't want to deal with it. Thanks to Leslie's post I was totally saved on vacation. She talks about using Bumble and Bumble Surf Spray. I have a bottle I bought forever ago, but just stopped using it. What a lifesaver! I simply would wash my hair, towel dry it (I do have to blow dry my taking-forever-to-grow-out-bangs) and then I put on my makeup, get ready and sprits some Surf Spray in right before we'd leave. I scrunch with a towel a little bit (the oil in your hands can cause frizz) and I'd be ready. Super simple. I had those cute beach waves without a lot of effort. This also helped with getting gone early enough because at Disney you have to be up and at 'em!

Stay tuned for a post on everything we did in Disney!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Happenings as of Late


Life has been busy, busy lately. Since we got back from Walt Disney World, it's been lots of catching up on work, laundry, errands, etc, etc. You know, back to reality oops there goes gravity. Oh wait, now I'm rapping Eminem. Anyway, here is what we've been up to since we got back. (I promise I will post on our trip later.) The week we got back, we went over to Christopher's Grandmother's house and made oyster stew for dinner. You're only supposed to eat oysters with months that have R's in them so this was our last month to do it until fall. I think she liked the souvinir we brought her back.

The following weekend, my friend Elizabeth got married. I was honored to serve as her wedding coordinator. I will post later about her special day. It was absolutely beautiful.
That also happened to be Easter weekend. Everyone had all these sweet pictures of them at church in their Easter clothes. We took this on the way home from church.
This past Thursday was game 3 of the NBA playoffs for the Grizzlies vs. the Thunder. We had a blast, as the Grizz won in overtime. The highlight might have been seeing Tag Team perform "Whoomp There it Is" live. I was reliving my childhood and still knew every single word. Other highlights were getting to eat Rendezvous' BBQ nachos (one of my favorite things about Grizzlies games).
Seeing two of my sweet friends, Leigha and Ashley, who were also at the game.
Trying to find Waldo. Do you see him?
The Grizz have gone to the playoffs every year we've been together, so you're welcome!
Friday night was spent in Southaven, MS at Southaven Springfest which is a carnival, concert and BBQ contest. We have friends with a tent, so we got to pig out on yummy BBQ. (2nd night in a row for me!)

Saturday was spent doing yard work. I LOVE planting my spring flowers. Nothing beats getting the patio ready for summer. We so enjoy sitting on the patio after work having drinks.

The hubby had fun playing lumberjack.
Saturday night, we went back to Mississippi for our sweet friends the Rivas baby shower. They are due in June and had a fun sports-themed couples' shower.
Me and our dear friend, Samantha (who's due in October so exciting!)

C did an "Ellen selfie"

Cute cake the mother-to-be's mother made.

Kayce and Matt, the parents-to-be
(Sorry for the sideways pic, Blogger would not let me upload it the correct way)

Sunday, I headed back to Mississippi to Hernando this time to hang out with my sweet friend, Kate. We'd talked about movies we liked and decided we needed a movie day. So, Sunday it finally happened. We watched "Sarah's Key," which is a great movie about the Haloucaust. Then to lighten it up we watched some Designing Women episodes (my pick, of course). Kate is such a dear friend and I really do cherish the time we spend together.

C and I finished up the weekend bowling and having dinner with our small group from church. It was a uber busy weekend, and a crazy past few weeks but it's always fun!