Saturday, May 9, 2015

A Few Things

Over the past few weeks I have had 2 posts about what to say/not to say to pregnant women. (You can read them here and here.) All of them having stemmed from things I have actually heard. I have gotten lots of feed back from people and I feel like this feedback deserves a follow-up. I have had many people say to me "I'm so sorry you've had to hear that," and "I can't believe people are so rude." A few of my friends who are also pregnant have said things like, "That's so terrible. No one ever says stuff like that to me." Let me clear up a few things. First off, I am not offended by the things I've heard from people. Maybe a little irritated (chalk it up to pregnant hormones), but not offended. It would take more than stupidity to offend me. I find the things people have said amusing and just down right funny that they have the nerve to say what they do. Secondly, I would like to say I probably get 3 times as many compliments for one rude/amusing/funny comment. The other day a man asked if I were 5 months and when I told him 7 he couldn't believe it. But would you really want to read a blog where I go on and on about how everyone is telling me how great I look? Please, that would make me vomit. So please know that when I share these things it's because I find them funny and I'm not so narcissistic to post a blog all about how great I am. Although, I guess I'm somewhat narcissistic since I have a blog? I just assume people want to hear what I have to say. But then again, we all have a little bit of Narcissa in us.

And speaking of being funny, when did everyone become so dang sensitive?!
Last weekend I shared an article on Facebook (you can read it here) about runners. Basically the author was saying how he was tired of hearing all about people's runs, seeing statuses on Facebook about it, people bragging about their marathons, etc, etc. I took it to be read as satire, meant to be taken lightly. I thought it as funny because Lord knows I am not a runner. I'm the girl who would rather write a check than run for a charity. I'm the girl who in college would've said dancing in 4 inch stilettos was a better work-out than running. But, apparently I offended some people.

I usually do not explain myself. My mom used to have this sign that her mother (and if you ever met her mother, you'd know she did not explain herself) that read: "I don't explain myself. My friends know me, and the rest wouldn't understand anyway." This is a mantra I try to live by. The person who seemed most offended by my post was someone I hadn't seen since high school and clearly doesn't know me or my sense of humor that well. Even though I'd like to think I don't have to explain myself, apparently I do. My real friends may understand but not all my Facebook friends do. Please know that anything coming across as negative, I'm just being my usual cynical self. Deep down I'm a pretty positive person but I'm not one to blow sunshine up you all day long either. Also, please know whatever I post on my blog, or social media is for the most part meant to be funny. I'm not purposely trying to offend anyone. If you do get offended, than build a bridge and get over it. If anyone ever told you that everyone was going to like you, agree with you, think you're the best person ever, they lied. One of my friends posted this on Facebook the other day and I think it sums up everything perfectly:

I try to keep most of my posts light because I don't want the world knowing my business and because I choose to not be "attacked" by relative strangers on a media forum that would say stuff to a computer screen that most people wouldn't dare say to your face. However, I feel like with recent events and events to come (election year) that I ought to say something. Did you know that it is in fact possible to post/read/listen to something that you don't necessarily agree entirel...y with but get humor and enjoyment out of it anyway and not be offended? In fact, it's probably healthy because that means that you don't take yourself (and others) too seriously. And, if for whatever reason a person that you "follow" on Facebook keeps posting/saying stuff that you don't "like" or "find offensive" you can actually "unfriend" or if that's "too harsh" for you, that you can "unfollow" them?! Novel idea. If you keep disliking something someone says/posts, why in the world would you keep that negativity in your life. And! If you dislike what they have to say, why would you continue to spew hate and fuel the flame by commenting on how much you hate it?! Ugh. Sorry, it's a bit of a pet peeve of mine, and after a recent exchange I saw on Facebook, I thought I ought to say something about it (Yes, I understand the irony in posting something like this however, this is just something I've noticed a lot recently and I just have to wonder what happened to people's sense of humor). Thanks for reading.

AMEN! Exactly. What has happened to people's sense of humor? I think it's funny when we can give each other a hard time about not agreeing. I have one friend who is a die-hard Bama fan and HATES Ole Miss and Tennessee (which, of course my husband and I are die-hard fans). I think it's fun when we can banter back and forth. When he makes a comment about Hugh Freeze getting an undeserved raise, I don't take offense to it. Or, when one of my liberal friends makes a comment about me being conservative I don't get offended. I may think, "Bless your heart you are so stupid," but I don't get offended. (By the way, if you are liberal and just got offended you missed the whole point of this post.) Let's conclude with this: lighten up people! Life is too short to be offended by everything.

By the way, LET'S GO GRIZZ!!!! Beat those Warriors!

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