Saturday, May 2, 2015

Woah, baby! Part II

A little while ago, I posted this about being pregnant. Let me follow up with a few other thoughts.

1) Men are WAY more complimentary and positive than women when it comes to pregnant women.

My friend had a baby a few weeks ago, and I took her family dinner. Her husband says "How are you feeling?" Followed by "Well, you look great." This is clearly a man who has been through this three times. He gets it. He knows what to say. A salesman at the furniture store the other day told me I didn't even look pregnant (and yes, this normally bothers me but I had a baggy tunic on and he doesn't know what I look like normally). I told him I was 6 months and he said, "Wow, you must've been tiny before." To which I responded, "You must work on commission." Turns out he doesn't. And maybe it's just flattery and these compliments aren't sincere, but they're nice to hear. Take a cue from these gentlemen the next time you speak to a pregnant lady.

2) People (unfortunately, especially women) love to be negative.

It amazes me what people's responses are when I say we're having a boy. They LOVE to tell you how hard boys are to potty train. I've also been told umpteen times how I will be on the go 24/7 because boys don't sit still, are rowdy, are into everything, etc. One person even went so far as to text me at 6:45 IN. THE.  MORNING. to tell me that boys love mud. If this had been followed by a picture of her son covered in mud, I might find this funny and/or cute. But, she didn't. I took some time to respond, to make sure I wasn't a total you-know-what (I mean, really 6:45 in the morning? I think on a weekday any text before 7 is not acceptable. Weekend? 9. Unless we are super close friends, there's an emergency or you're texting me to tell me that I just won the lottery. But I digress...) I finally responded with "Really? I had no idea." Her response, "Well, you had a brother I didn't." So, you know I had a brother so why are you telling me this in the first place? Ugh. Speaking of, yes, I have a brother. I am also almost 7 years older than him so I remember quite a bit from when he was little. But even if I didn't, I live in the world don't I? I've been around boys and men and I think I have a pretty good grasp of what they're like. By the way, my husband is not a fan of getting muddy or dirty. When he painted our nursery, not one drop of paint on him. Me on the other hand? Don't mind it. So, that just shows that stereotypes are not always true.

The negativity doesn't just apply to pregnant women either. A dear friend of mine is getting married in September. She is thinking about getting a wedding dress that's a different color other than your traditional white. Cool, huh? As y'all know I love weddings and I have planned them and can tell you in this day in age anything goes. You DO NOT have to abide by all the traditions if you do not want to. One of her bridesmaids made it very clear she hates this idea. Who cares? It's not your wedding. No one will make you wear it. So, shut up and move on.
3) Anyone who has ever had a baby is an expert and they will tell you exactly what you need to do while pregnant and/or after the baby arrives.
A few weeks ago, my friend Lisa and I met for coffee. We met at 11, which is close to when I eat lunch so I decided I'd have a snack as well. I brought a bag of kettle chips to the register. The barista told me to put them back.
Me: "Why? Is there something wrong with them?
Barista: Put those back, you don't need those."

Me: "Well, I want them."
Barista: "Put those back and get popcorn. It's better for you. You don't need chips."
WHAT??? I'm sorry, but did you leave your OB/GYN practice to work at Starbucks? Does it say MD on your nametag and I somehow missed it? I know it sounds like she was joking, but trust me (or as Lisa) she wasn't. This went on for a few minutes. I finally told her I was getting the chips with my peach green tea lemonade. Then the 2nd barista (who I know has a 9 month old, so she's of course and expert) asks me what I got to drink. Now, I know she's asking me this because I had already been in there earlier that morning for my chai. So I told her don't worry, I track my caffeine I know what I'm allowed to have. She tells me that's not it, it's my sugar I should worry about because I probably have too much with my chai. SERIOUSLY. ARE  YOU MY DOCTOR?!
But it gets better...
After I order, I tell Lisa I will carry her adorable, little red-headed baby over to a table in her carrier. I joked about how I needed to prepare my arms for carrying a baby in a car seat. The  minute I picked it up both baristas get on to me about how I'm not supposed to lift heavy things. I told them that the max to lift was 40 lbs and I was fine. But, good grief! Mind your own business people! By the way, I have several friends who have been pregnant with babies they have to carry so what do they do?
Lisa and I are outside chatting and I am happily eating my chips, when the chip Nazi comes outside to leave and starts talking (like she's the baby) and says "Mommy, I need sunglasses. It's too bright out here for me." Lisa just tells me that she just loves how people give advice like they're her daughter and I will find people doing this to me, too.
I'm sure those who know me well enough are wondering why I didn't go off on the barista. I'm not exactly sure. I think it's because it's the first time Lisa and I hung out outside of our Sunday school class and I didn't want her to see how ugly I can get from the get-go. And yes, I still go to that Starbucks because it's my Starbucks. They know me there, and always get my drink right. I just ignore those 2 particular women.
4) People think they know better than you (or your doctor, ultrasound tech, etc)
At one of my hospitals the other day, this conversation happened between a nurse and me:
Nurse: "I think you're having a girl."
Me: No, it's definitely a boy.
Nurse: "Are you sure?"
Me: "Yes, we've had 2 ultrasounds. I've seen his penis."
Nurse: "Maybe it was just a finger."
Please! First off, what are you basing this on that you think I'm having a girl? Second, are you trying to freak me out! I've bought blue stuff, monogrammed his name on things, painted a nursery. Don't make me think that everything we did is wrong and it's now a girl! Sheesh! As if pregnancy doesn't make you anxious enough.
Sorry for the long post rant. I just find these things so amusing. Don't worry, even my hormonal, cranky self knows to take it with a grain of salt. But I have to say, I will never say anything to a pregnant women except "How are you feeling? You look great!" And if I don't know them at all, I won't say a word.
I'll leave you with a sneak peek of the nursery. It's coming along great!

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