Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I'm an oldie!!!

Tonight my dad and I went on our nightly Starbucks run. As my dad was flipping through the stations "Glory Days" catches my ears. "That's a good song," I say and surprisingly he leaves it on. I say surprisingly because to me the distinctive, raspy, Jersey-accented voice singing about the good ol' days of high school baseball while brilliantly strumming the guitar sounds like a little piece of Heaven on earth to me. I know to my dad's ears it's just another liberal, war-protester* and it doesn't matter how talented the person is, if he doesn't agree with him, he's not going to listen to them. ANYWAY, I was surprised he left it on. Maybe her secretly likes "The Boss," or maybe he was just being nice. I'm pretty sure it was the latter. As I'm mentally singing along about going down to the well and drinking til I get my fill I notice something. No, it cannot be. The radio says 105.1 But wait, that's the OLDIES STATION!!! That's the station that plays The Supremes and the Beatles and the Beach Boys. That's the station that plays music from my parents' generation. Sure, the music from their childhoods should be considered "oldies." It's all at least 30 years old! But, not from MY generation! I'm not old! I went home and did my homework, and sure enough "Glory Days" came out in 1984, I was 2 years old. I'm only 25 now. How can this be?! So, that's it. I'm an oldie now. Apparently, 80's music is now classified as oldies right along with Martha and the Vandellas and Elvis. Great...

*Please note that I am not a liberal nor a war-protester, nor do I agree with them. However, I am a little bit better at distinguishing between the artist and the idiot celeb** who didn't even finish high school, yet somehow knows more than me about this stuff. The exception to this is Tom Cruise. He is a pinhead and I will not give him a penny of my money.
**Please also note, that I am not solely referring to Bruce. I think most celebs are idiots.

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